Daily Slave
October 21, 2014

Vitaly Milonov, a St. Petersburg lawmaker, has asked the Russian Postal Service to prevent invasive faggot imagery entering the country on homoerotic postage stamps produced by the government of Finland, saying that they violate Russia’s anti-gay-propaganda law (obvious fact).
I fully support this patriotic Russian lawmaker for attempting to ban this type of homoerotic filth from his country.
This type of imagery has no redeeming value at all. The artist who made this garbage should be placed in a mental institution. We cannot have insane people making degenerate art like this – let alone having said degenerate art placed on postage stamps.

Milonov has demanded that all letters and parcels featuring the stamps — a series of six released in September by Finland’s postal service to commemorate the artist Touko Laaksonen — be returned to sender and not allowed to enter Russia. Laaksonen, also known as Tom of Finland, was renowned for his homoerotic fetish art.The stamps that have so enraged Milonov feature several provocative images, such as a man’s bare buttocks with another man’s face visible between his legs, and a naked man sitting between another man’s legs.
In a letter to the head of Russian Post, Dmitry Strashnov, Milonov condemned the stamps for “contravening Russian law,” the TASS news agency reported Saturday.
“They are basically elements of homosexual propaganda, which is banned in our country. I ask the leadership of Russian Post to pay close attention to this request. In addition, I urge the Finns themselves, our close neighbors, to refrain from using these stamps when sending letters to Russia,” Milonov wrote, TASS reported.
Milonov has also stood against the Jews, accurately stating that the rats “vilify any saint, it is in their tradition of 2,000 years, beginning with the appeals to crucify the Savior, ending with accusations of anti-Semitism against St. John of Kronstadt.”
Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.