Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2015

Following a pre-trial last month, White activist Robert Ransdell was able to secure a jury trial which is set to begin on the 11th of March.
The case involves his illegal arrest in Kentucky for protesting a Black celebration of the communist agitator Martin Luther King, Jr. on the holiday celebrating the criminal gang leader. The protest was entirely peaceful, and legal under American law, and yet the criminal police decided to violate his rights in the most flagrant conceivable manner.
“The prosecutors and the officer who was there at the pretrial came off as miffed that I was requesting a jury trial but at the same time appeared and came off as pretty arrogant that they will prevail over me, seemed annoyed that I would even attempt to argue my innocence.” Ransdell told me through email. “The prosecutors in particular came off to me as rude and I am not one who is all that sensitive to that sort of thing. Just as well, they are the opponent, not expecting them to be nice.”
Ransdell said that he is going to do his best, but is not willing to take the thing very seriously. Clearly, one would have to be a complete nutjob to take something this ridiculous seriously. All the man was doing was standing around holding a sign on public property when the ZOG thugs took him down.
“The way I see it is I as much as anyone should be well aware of how corrupt and rotten the justice system is, I would be beyond a fool to go in and expect anything less, to be disappointed at it not being fair,” He said.
What a mess we are in when law-abiding White men cannot help but laugh at the idea that the American justice system is capable of being impartial towards them.
Still, though he has no illusions about the system, he has faith in his countrymen.
“I am confident, however, that if I can get a clear argument through to the jury without being constantly interrupted with objections and such that I can prevail,” he said.
The state had offered him a reduction of his fine, and Ransdell refused, preferring to force the system into doing what it is supposed to do, which is to serve justice.
We will have updates on the situation soon.