Daily Stormer
July 22, 2014

It seems to me that these were likely distributed by White People. Muslims usually just riot. Leafleting is a pretty well exclusively White behavior.
Six vehicles were discovered with leaflets containing anti-Semitic threats in their windshields Saturday morning in the 6300 block of North Monticello Avenue, according to Chicago Police News Affairs Officer Janel Sedevic.
According to the Chicago Tribune, residents reported the material contained threats to Jewish people in connection to the rising conflict in Gaza.
The leaflets reportedly threaten violence if Israel does not pull out of Gaza.
The Chicago Police Department’s Hate Crimes unit is investigating, Sedevic said.
The incident came one day before hundreds converged in Chicago for a “die-in,” demanding an “immediate end to Israel’s bombardment of the Palestinians of Gaza.”
Threats against the Jewish people, you say?
They probably said “Jews should stop killing babies.” And this was deemed by the Jews to be a threat against their gross race.