Anti-Migrant Orban Wins YUGE in Hungary

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2018

I have my issues with Viktor Orban. Mostly, I believe he is an EU shill, cockblocking real nationalist parties who want to pull out of the EU.

Nonetheless he does ostensibly represent good values. So it is at least a moral victory for him to win this hard.


Viktor Orban has claimed a decisive victory and is set for a third consecutive term as Hungarian prime minister, after preliminary results show his Fidesz party taking a majority of at least 134 seats in the 199-seat parliament.

“We have won… Hungary has won a great victory,” Orban told a crowd of cheering supporters at a Sunday night rally, who responded by spontaneously singing the country’s national anthem.

According to preliminary results of Sunday’s parliamentary election, the incumbent Prime Minister’s Fidesz party secured over 48 percent of the vote. The far-right Jobbik party received roughly 20 percent in the early results, while the Socialists are looking to come in third, with roughly 12 percent.

With more than 90 percent of votes counted, the Fidesz party is expected to take 134 seats out of the parliament’s 199. The far-right Jobbik party will secure roughly 26 seats.

Following Orban’s victory speech, Jobbik’s leader, Gabor Vona, announced that he will resign following his party’s defeat. “Once again Fidesz has sadly won,” he told his supporters on Sunday night, according to the Guardian.


Now see, I liked Jobbik.

Don’t let the bad optics hand gesture fool you – they have great optics.

Check this:

Peak bloody optics.

But yeah, no joke – I think probably a big part of their problem was that they were just a little bit too much on the “we are literally Nazis” thing. That obviously doesn’t work in America, but it is also not working in Europe. There is not a single “literally Nazis” party that is doing all that well.

We’re all Nazis, okay. We all get that. But you have to kinda be a little bit sneaky about it. You can do the Heil Hitler stuff in private, but when you go out there and present that image to the masses, it just turns people off. Even in countries where they basically have good feelings towards the historical National Socialists.

And apparently, Gabor couldn’t get it together.

Kinda had weird eyes and face too. Looked at you kinda weird.

That could have been the problem.

He also had some pretty serious issues as far as like, I dunno, some weird thing where he thought Hungarians are really Turks. Weird stuff. Don’t understand it.

I hope that Jobbik can get a new leader who is better.

Because seriously: if Hungary stays in the EU, than none of this other stuff even matters. Because the entire concept of the EU is to make Europe into a single country, so if Hungary is fully integrated into the EU, they will no longer have any choice as to how many migrants they take, or whether they teach 5-year-olds to be trannies, or any of the rest of it.

So as long as Orban supports the EU, nothing else he does even matters in the long term.

But the Hungarian people don’t know that, and just like him because he hates Moslems.

So it is good on that level that he is so popular.

The Walking Dead-tier images of the migrants milling around like zombies at the Hungarian fence are still my favorite from the 2015 migrant crisis.

Well, obviously they’re not my favorite, favorite.

Because, you know.




Because that’s the thing, guys.

I can say “yeah seriously though, we really shouldn’t be dressing up in Nazi outfits and doing Hitler salutes in public, the data is in and people just don’t like it,” and still be totally and completely E D G Y.

Because I’m not a political party. I’m just a website. Obviously, if a political figure was campaigning with jokes about dead migrant surfers, that would not be a good political strategy.