Anti-Semitic Rant Found on Wedding Footage: Jews are the Meanest People in the World

Carol Kuruvilla
NY Daily News
October 11, 2013


“Mental, Israeli dancing, isn’t it? There’s a real feeling of like, they’re better than everybody else. Jewish,” Aurelius said in the video.

“That’s why Holocaust,” his assistant said.

“I don’t think I blame Hitler,” Aurelius replied cooly, while filming the bride.

Stan and Claudia Gocman, of Edgware, London, were shocked to find the muttered remarks in an unedited version of their wedding video.

“It’s completely anti-Semitic and ignorant. At first, I was really upset — but then I was furious,” Claudia, 27, told The Mirror.

But that wasn’t the only problem the couple had with the videographer.

At first, Aurelius sent them the video from another couple’s wedding. It took nine months for the videographer to deliver his finished product. But that was so terribly done — missing important moments and capturing backs instead of faces — that the newlyweds agreed to pay extra for the raw, unedited film.

That’s where they heard Aurelius’ racist rants.

He bashed the happy couple and their guests during the reception, making fun of what he called “Israeli dancing.”

At the same time, he called Jewish people the “meanest people in the world.”

“Not a lot of niceness about them is there? Very little warmth,” he said.

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