Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 28, 2016
ROFLMAO He’s actually wearing black horn-rimmed Jew goggles!
Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Julian Assange doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows EXACTLY what he’s doing. Julian Assange is undertaking a systematic effort to gas these kikes, to make America more like the rest of the race war.
Denials by WikiLeaks that it knowingly posted an antisemitic message on social media should not be believed, an expert told The Algemeiner on Monday.
Kenneth L. Marcus — president and general counsel of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law and author of The Definition of Anti-Semitism — was referring to a WikiLeaks tweet on Saturday that read, “Tribalist symbol for establishment climbers? Most of our critics have 3 (((brackets around their names))) & have black-rim glasses. Bizarre.”
Following backlash, WikiLeaks deleted the tweet and, in subsequent messages, attempted to offer explanations on what the postt meant. The group blamed “neo-liberal castle creepers” for turning (((echo))) into “a tribalist designator for establishment climbers,” adding that “pro-Clinton hacks and neo-Nazis” have intentionally misconstrued the original tweets meaning.
“The triple brackets have established themselves very quickly — you might say at internet speed — as both an antisemitic way of identifying Jews and and a Jewish way of expressing solidarity against antisemites,” Marcus said.
Imagine if in 1930s Germany, Hitler was ordering Jews to wear yellow stars to identify themselves, but at the same time Jews were producing their own yellow stars and passing them out as “a Jewish way of expressing solidarity against antisemites.” Because that would be exactly analogous to this situation.
And all the Jews are doing by drawing attention to this post by Assange is admitting that they are the most virulent critics of government transparency, raging at the guy that exposed this conspiracy which was being run by fellow Jew Wasserman Schultz.
Are Jews getting dumber?
According to Marcus, while (((echo))) is “fairly new, it is now so widely understood that Wikileaks undoubtedly knew what they were doing. It is a relatively transparent way of saying that their critics are Jews and dismissing them as such. This is reinforced by the derogatory reference to ‘tribalism,’ which is another euphemism for Jews.”
Instead of apologizing for the offensive comment, Marcus told The Algemeiner, “The problem for WikiLeaks is not that they’ve been misconstrued but that they have been correctly understood. Indeed, their meaning is so clear that it is hard to imagine that they were misunderstood by anyone.”
Citing new media’s “low cost, easy access and wide reach,” Marcus said such qualities have become a “boon to both legitimate and illegitimate movements, while their anonymity has helped to shield hate groups from monitoring efforts.”
“For the record,” Marcus said, “my own Twitter handle includes the triple brackets, but my horn-rimmed glasses are actually a dark brown.”
This echoes meme is the gift that never stops giving.
Good on you, TRS.
For the record, Assange has been backtracking a little bit, but in such a way as it comes across as just more trolling.
I think everyone is on the verge of adopting the Trump method now: post something against the Jews, get massive media coverage, then say “lol I didn’t know lol.”
Here’s Marcus’ twitter.