Hamish Patton
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2017
That’s right, readers, hating Trump is a sign of infantility
In a comment posted underneath an article reporting on an English protest against the inauguration of Donald Trump an American author remarked, “But this is not even their country, this is our country, so fuck off.”
The author is both right and wrong. Trump’s election and inauguration are indeed the business of the American people. However, it is also evidence of, among other things, the globalist reality that we now live in. As such, similar displays of irrelevant protest are being seen across the Western world. They are reminiscent of movie fans booing a make-believe villain in an epic melodrama.
In Sydney, the media reported “thousands” of women marchers likewise turning out to protest the US President. All around the Western world ‘women’ united to march against the election of a president in a country that is not theirs. Stranger still many brandished placards demanding “Stop Trump!” They did not vote him in and they cannot vote him out.
There are strands of critical insight running rife throughout this combined spectacle and they inform us about the world that the Globalist Chief, Barack Obama has left behind. Importantly, as we have stated, we discover this is now a global community, for better or worse, and let’s be frank, it is for worse.
There is nothing practical to this global connectivity. A spike in wealth for American citizens does not mean a global partner in England, New Zealand or Australia is going to experience any benefit.
Sydney’s goyim sluts protest against their fear of being objectified by Trump
Similarly, any (sensible) decision by the Trump administration to improve the prospects of US workers by turning back the competing tide of immigration from Mexico will have no bearing on these concerned global citizens beating their breasts on the streets of foreign cities. Yet, here they are, all shouting and getting emotional and behaving as if they a) matter, or b) it even affects them, and c) they can do anything about it.
So if this is globalism and Obama was the first truly Globalist Chief then we can see that globalism can make the ‘world citizenry’ react like subjects in a lab experiment responding to a series deliberately administered electric shocks. But the willing respondents share nothing in the interests of the experiment any more than they understand the abstract.
The respondents themselves can be examined for their behavior and it is instructive of this globalism that Barack Obama presided over. If we accept the US, being still the greatest superpower on earth and the architect of globalism, is the hydra head of this ‘single world’ then it follows logically that Barack Obama has served as its chief.
Dumb English sluts hate Trump but want Haji rape
Therefore, eight years of Barack Obama’s ‘globalist’ administration has generated infantile masses incapable of critical analysis.
Brushing aside much of the rich anecdotal evidence, this author can focus on reported incidents that informed on his study of the situation. One occurred immediately after the announcement of Donald Trump’s victory when colleges handed out Play Dough and offered students counseling after being traumatized by the result. Yes, they gave them Play Dough just as if you would give to children only these are young adults of the first world. The second occurred in the aftermath of that result when rioters spat the dummy in major US cities. Video footage surfaced of a female grabbing a lamppost with one hand while defecating onto a Trump campaign poster. She thereafter began playing with her own feces in a classic display of infantile anal aggression.
The final two examples occurred in the past two days. One was a viral gif of an American woman uttering a deafening agonized cry of “nooooooooo” at the moment Trump was announced as President, and the final was a footage of a black American woman, dressed in a bizarre get-up that included a white wrestler’s mask, tight tracksuit pants that exposed her unflattering figure and underwear line, who was clutching a small sign while blowing what looks like a flute as she thrashed about a bunch of cans and dolls tied to a length of string. She can be seeing leaping about on the road like a shaman that has lost the plot on psychedelics.
This disturbing war dance was the inarticulate expression of a global citizen reacting like a grunting cavewoman to a strange light in the sky above. What is it that threads all of this behavior together? Well, it is “issues.” These “issues” are dictated and not examined. They are shouted from loud hailers and scrawled on walls, but they are never examined. They are generalized and synthesized into a violent emotion by those who Obama has left behind.
An everlasting image of Obama’s presidency could well be Pyjama Boy. PJ boy was an effeminate, geeky Jew dressed in a onesie pyjama outfit and clutching a mug of hot chocolate. It was part of a campaign to get young Americans to sign up for health insurance but the image quickly became resonant of the ‘Obama generation.’
Eight years of Obama has infantilised much of the world. Allegedly educated people are reduced to snarling animals as they protest against an idea of what they believe Donald Trump represents. They believe he is “bad” but they are doing little more erudite or sophisticated than booing a villain.
Nevertheless, Trump has thus far done zip and none of these overly sensitive and militant egalitarians has cared to express anything for the state of the world post-Obama. They have nothing to say about the devastation across Syria, and the Biblical waves of tactically generated refugees ripping the heart out of Europe and sweeping across the world like spores. They refuse to recognise the tattered state of race relations in the US, and the kind of reverse bigotry that became exported to other countries in the guise of the egregious Black Lives Matter movement. His government spied on billions. And yet this jackal was granted the Nobel Peace Prize ahead of wreaking his havoc…
Pyjama Boy is what America became under Obama
Now, Obama plays golf having made every effort to sabotage Trump on his way out the door. The protests have only just started and they are a little too coordinated, a little too well funded to just be a united spirit of opposition to a suggestion of a threat.
In the US, a major newspaper revealed that agencies are actively funding demonstrators with retainers and even insurance. That is one newspaper, the rest, the combined force of world media is out to get Trump.
Money is coming in from certain shadowy ‘billionaire quarters’ to push social agendas that are core features of globalist ideology. It is interesting to note this because at the same time Donald Trump is an outsider president — he is a president that was elected outside of the Washington establishment and he is a threat.
He is not a threat to these nongs who are out making puppets of themselves for forces they do not question or understand, he is a threat (perceived anyway) to those pulling their strings.
Whether or not Trump lives up to the honor implied in being that oppositional threat remains to be seen.
But what we do know now of globalism is that its intention is to reduce us all to the equivalent of bawling babies who respond only to emotional cues and violently oppose questioning anything going against the set narrative.