Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 26, 2015

Quentin loves these colored folk.
I wonder why he doesn’t just go live in Haiti?
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Quentin Tarantino joined hundreds of demonstrators waving signs, shouting through megaphones and marching along the city’s streets on Saturday to protest police brutality nationwide.
“I’m a human being with a conscience,” said Tarantino, who flew in from California for the event. “And if you believe there’s murder going on then you need to rise up and stand up against it. I’m here to say I’m on the side of the murdered.”
The group gathered Saturday in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village neighborhood at Washington Square Park before marching about 2 miles along Sixth Avenue. The protesters walked past lines of police officers who had cordoned off a lane of traffic for them. As they moved, those with megaphones shouted stories of the slain as others waved signs with photos of the dead, mostly young black men, and the dates and places of their deaths.
Who is getting murdered, Quentin?
Blacks commit 85% of interracial crimes, according to FBI and DoJ data.

When it comes to interracial rape, a Black male is literally tens of thousands of times more likely to rape a White female than the other way around.
Year 2003 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black:0
Black on White: 20,309
Black on Black: 21,104Year 2004 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 11,610
Black on Black: 35,330Year 2005 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black : 0
Black on White: 37,460
Black on Black: 36, 620Year 2006 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 32, 443
Black on Black: 7,705Year 2007 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 14,092
Black on Black: 12,780Year 2008 – Rape/Sexual Assault
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 19,292
Black on Black: 34,841Total over six conservative years:
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 135,206
Black on Black: 148,380Average over six consecutive years:
White on Black: 0
Black on White: 22,534
Black on Black: 24,730
What new reality are we living in here, where Blacks are the victims of violence, rather than the perpetrators?
Quentin Tarantino should be deported to Haiti. When he isn’t out on the streets trying to provoke Blacks into committing acts of violence against Whites, he is making movies encouraging it.

The Negroid lead actor, Jamie Foxx, as marketing for the film hosted Saturday Night Live, and in his opening monologue said “I kill all the White people in the movie – how great is that?”
Blacks are killing enough Whites without having to encourage them to do so.
The ADL and SPLC blame the Daily Stormer and me personally for the Dylann Roof shooting, and yet Tarantino organized a gigantic media campaign to encourage Blacks to murder Whites, something which they do constantly, and no one complained.
Tarantino has also pushed the idiot Jew Holohoax narrative with his film Inglorious Basterds, wherein heroic Jews kill evil Nazis.

All of Tarantino’s films have been produced by the rat kike Weinsteins.

Tarantino is a terrorist, period.