Daily Stormer
May 29, 2014

After it was discovered that a member of Ukip had been praising members of the NSDAP on Facebook, Nigel Farage staged another troll event to hilariously claim that he is not a racist and that Ukip is not a racist party.
John Withill, who is standing as a UKIP candidate in the Armley ward of Leeds, West Yorks, created a section on his public Facebook page listing a collection of ‘inspirational people’.
Anti-racism group Hope Not Hate say the people he ‘likes’ include convicted war criminals Kurt Student, Albert Kesselring and Albert Speer.
Speaking ahead of last night’s event Nigel Farage conceded that too many ‘idiots’ had slipped through the party’s vetting procedures and said he planned to ‘fight back’ against the impression they had made.
Last night’s event was targeted by more than 100 anti-fascist demonstrators. Amid chaotic scenes, more than a dozen were ejected from the hall by security guards after heckling Ukip speakers.
A noisy group of around 100 anti-fascism protesters gathered outside the building.
The party paraded around 50 black and minority ethnic councillors and election candidates on the stage, who stood behind Mr Farage as he spoke.
Amjad Bashir, the party’s small and medium size business spokesman, told the rally: ‘Take a look at all the faces and skin colours represented on this stage and tell me Ukip is a racist party.’
Ukip’s drive to feature more diverse supporters underlines concerns about the damage being done by exposure of the racist views of some of its supporters. Until now, it has tended to claim it is being singled out for criticism and suggested it will not bow to political correctness.
Andre Lampitt, the star of Ukip’s latest political broadcast, was suspended last month for claiming Ed Miliband is ‘not British’, Africans should ‘kill themselves off’ and Nigerians are ‘bad people’.
Other council candidates subject to disciplinary action by the party include a conspiracy theorist linking the Prince of Wales to allegations of paedophilia on the basis that he knew Jimmy Savile, and another who suggested that Lenny Henry should emigrate to a ‘black country’.
Withill defended himself on Facebook, trolling the anti-racists and saying that just because he thinks some members of the NSDAP were fantastic heroes, that doesn’t mean they have influenced his political views.

It is completely obvious that not only are a huge percentage of Ukip’s supporters hardcore racists, but so are all of its political representatives. It is rather terrible that with all the trouble they go through to give the “wink-wink” to British racists, some in the movement will still deny that the party’s “anti-racism” stance is anything other than a political ploy to gain support from the largest possible percentage of the British people as possible.
It is very sad that the antifa can figure this out, but so many British racists cannot.
How could this be made any more clear to you people?