
Jez Turner
Daily Stormer
February 6, 2017

Saturday 4th February 2017, London, and the massed ranks of leftists and libtards were again on the march protesting against Donald Trump.

They seem to overlook the fact that most people in these countries included in the travel ban could not care less about the ban. Only rich government officials, plutocrats, and the liberals, (yes these countries have their traitorariats too), and terrorists of course, from those respective countries can even afford an air ticket to the USA.

But if these morons protesting in London think that Trump is bad, then they need to get a reality check as to how the world is moving and how the intellectual world is moving.

Undeterred by the mass mobs of leftists marching in London, The London Forum held a conference at The Holiday Inn hotel in Kensington with about 120 in attendance.

As expected, about an hour after the meeting started antifa protestors showed up outside the meeting venue. As usual they came masked up and throwing smoke bombs. The London Forum security team kept them at bay until the police arrived.

Thereafter there was a stand-off between the police and antifa, with antifa blockading the main entrance to the hotel and hurling abuse at anyone and everyone.

The hotel management and staff were excellent and explained to the protestors that they were no more responsible for the political views of those who rented their conference rooms, than they were for the political views of those who rented their bedrooms! They further added that the Holiday Inn hotel chain was legally obliged to stand by their contractual agreement with any group that had hired a conference venue. Thus The London Forum was allowed to continue its meeting.

Antifa chanted, had their loudhailer confiscated, and then moped around shivering in the cold outside for the next three and a half hours attempting to blockade the hotel entrance and hurling abuse at anyone and everyone. Meanwhile the London Forum attendees were enjoying a very successful meeting inside.

As the scheduled time for the meeting to end approached the Metropolitan Police issued an Official Dispersal Order to the brave, revolutionary antifa, which meant they had to disperse or be arrested. They dispersed. And then the police very kindly escorted London Forum attendees to the local tube station – the procession took on something of a victory march.

The question of course that needs to be asked is why the police allowed a bunch of masked thugs to blockade a hotel entrance, to let off smoke bombs and TERRORIZE hotel staff, passers-by, hotel guests and anyone and everyone who wasn’t wearing a balaclava? Why weren’t they arrested? Why wasn’t the dispersal order issued within ten minutes? The answer to all of that of course lies in who actually funds, controls and makes up the bulk of antifa. The same people of course who control Britain. Same people, same agenda. It is something that needs to be rectified. And it is up to us to do it. Sign the petition to list antifa as a terrorist organisation and do it NOW!