Antisemitic Protesters Swarm New York Stock Exchange, Brutal Badge Niggers Arrest Over 200

The photos show that this was almost all white people (and apparently Jews) peacefully protesting the global center of Jew money.

It was a “sit-in.” They were not even standing up. But the city of New York, like the US federal government, have declared that any and all protests against Israel are illegal.

These leftists protesting Israel get the same treatment that right-wingers got in Charlottesville.


Police arrested more than 200 pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had staged a sit-in outside the New York Stock Exchange on Monday to demand an end to U.S. support for Israel’s war in Gaza, authorities said.

The protesters, many of them from activist groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace, chanted “let Gaza live” and “stop funding genocide” in front of the exchange’s iconic building near Wall Street, in lower Manhattan.

None of the protesters got inside the stock exchange but dozens crossed a police security fence set up outside its main building on Broad Street.

A police spokesperson said 206 arrests were made, without providing details. Jewish groups involved with the protests said around 500 demonstrators attended. The stock exchange had no immediate comment.

The United States government is a brutal Jewish tyranny.

I think about that song Trump plays – “I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.” What an absolute farce. There are few countries on earth that have this kind of hostility towards nonviolent protesters, or even violent protesters.

Just look at the American-backed protests recently in Georgia. Those were not very peaceful, and the protesters were waving foreign flags, calling for the government to be abolished and for the country to be handed over to foreign interests. The cops did not come in and do mass arrests like this.

In fact, in 2023 after the first round of vitriolic pro-American protests, the Georgian government capitulated and tabled the nationalist legislation. They rallied support for the country against these foreign forces and eventually passed it, but they responded to protests.

Meanwhile, in China, when people protested the coronavirus restrictions, the government repealed them all in a matter of days.

It is only in a democracy that the popular will means absolutely nothing, and the masses of people have zero ability to influence the government. The cops in a democracy are totally militarized. They are tattooed savages on steroids who enjoy hurting people for money.

Black people are right about the cops.