Anal for Allah: Trudeau Hails Islam and Faggotry in the Same Sentence

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2017

We already covered the fact that Justin Trudeau, the Substitute Drama Teacher of Canada, celebrated an Islamic holiday at a gay pride parade, but seeing the clip of him praise Allah and anal in the same sentence is mind-numbing.

He babbles on about how great it is that everyone has a unique identity.

That is a value now, in multiculturalism, but there has never been an explanation as to why it is a good thing for people to have their own unique identities. As it stands, the only conceivable reason you would promote that is that you are purposefully trying to destroy society.

Because let me explain something to you: everyone already did have their own identities – they were called “personalities.”

I have lived in China, which is by far the most collectivist and ethnic exclusivist monoculture on the planet, and even there, everyone has there own unique personalities. They aren’t just all the same like robots or something. You’ve got the funny guy, the serious guy, the short guy, the fat guy, the guy who goes to the gym, the smart guy, the dumb guy – you’ve got all kinds of individuals with different individual “identities,” which we call personalities.

To be honest with you, I’m not even sure what the actual argument for multiculturalism is, other than “because it’s sad that they’re poor” for the nonwhites and “you can love who you want to love” for the perverts.

But implicitly – as a positive argument instead of a negative “otherwise it’s oppression” argument – it appears the idea is that you can’t have an original identity unless you are surrounded by people who are totally different than you, either racially, religiously or in their sexual behaviors. That somehow “diversity” helps the individual define himself.

This is obviously completely outrageous on the face of it.

There is no borg-like machine simply because you have an ethnically pure and monocultural society. That is fake news.