Ape President Refers to Maidan Coup as “Duly Elected,” Demands Ukrainian Protesters be Slaughtered Like Pigs

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2014

Early this year, I nearly had an apoplectic fit when Obama referred to the violent Maidan revolutionaries, who literally burned down Kiev in a frantic, bloody revolution of Molatov cocktails and gunfire, as “peaceful protesters.”

Well, now he has outdone himself.  He has referred to the coup government occupying Kiev as “duly elected.”

How exactly can he even form those words?  It was a violent coup.  It is the opposite of an elected government.  And yet his black skin prevents him from blushing, while simply lying outright about something everyone knows, and which is not the least bit controversial in any way.

He also voiced support for the murderous and barbaric methods of suppression being used by the Maidan – methods that Yanukovych and the actual elected authorities of the Ukraine never would have dreamed of using.

And he is threatening Putin, yet again.


Ukraine has the right to “restore order” in the east of the country, Obama said in a statement on the crisis in Ukraine.

“As Ukrainian forces move to restore order in Eastern Ukraine, it is obvious to the world that these Russian-backed groups are not peaceful protesters,” Obama said on Friday. “They are heavily armed militants that are receiving support from Russia.”

The statement was released after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the White House.

President Obama also repeated his threats against Russia and said there would be mounting costs for Moscow if it does not deescalate the crisis.

“If the Russian leadership does not change course,” the US president warned, “it will face increasing costs.”

However, he said this is “not a punishment” for Russia, but a way to encourage Moscow “to choose the right way.”

The United States has already imposed travel and asset bans on a number of Russian officials over the crisis in Ukraine. This week, the US and the European Union imposed new sanctions against government officials in Moscow and some businesses.

In a joint press conference with Merkel, Obama said “We will not have a choice but to move forward with additional more-severe sanctions” if Moscow disrupts the upcoming presidential election in Ukraine on May 25.

It is hard for me to even feel angry, given the level of embarrassment.
