Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2014
Barack Obama has come out and rambled incoherently about the Sony hacking, apparently lecturing the Jewish rats that made the film on why they shouldn’t have pulled it.
No wonder Jews hate the ape President nearly as much as White people do: he is an insolent prick.
What the irate monkey fails to grasp is the Sony Jews only pulled this film for the purpose of upping the hype and figuring out a way to make more money off the film than they otherwise would have.

The Jews may well have hacked their own selves to get this movie hyped.
The FBI has now officially blamed Best Korea for the hacking. The BBC has gone through their reasoning for laying blame, but it seems they are less than certain and just want to blame anything on the Korea that they hate more than any other Korea.
The government Jews could also be responsible for this, possibly working with the Sony Jews because they are trying to stir up hatred for the one country in the world that has freedom: North Korea.
What is hilarious is that Obama’s big speech about “blah blah blah we believe in American freedoms can’t have the evil gook freedom-haters from worst Korea shutting down our rights to joke about murdering their leader in multimillion dollar productions” comes at the exact time that the British kike Luciana Berger has come out to demand the American company Twitter shut down the speech of anyone who ever calls a Jew a mean name.
Use a Jewish comedy film to threaten to assassinate the supreme leader of a foreign nation? A-OK.
Use the internet to say a word against an individual Jew, or just Jews in general, that might hurt their feelings? SHUT IT DOWN.
I realize that Obama is not coming out and endorsing kike Berger’s proposed plan to shut down free speech on Twitter, but he isn’t addressing it as an obvious attack on our freedoms either.
And if Twitter decides to implement censorship in order to comply with Berger’s demands, is Obama going to come out and give a special speech lecturing them about how they can’t let foreign freedom-haters censor them?
I think not.