Ape Savage Kills White “Friend” – Takes Selfie with Corpse

Daily Stormer
May 16, 2017

What did I say about relaxing around Blacks? This is what happens…

Having Black friends is exactly like having White friends.

Except, of course, that they’re better at basketball.

And also, I guess, sometimes they kill you and take selfies with your dead body.

NBC Philadelphia:

An 18-year-old western Pennsylvania man who authorities said shot a friend and then posed for a selfie with the dying teen has been sentenced to 15 to 30 years in prison.

Maxwell Morton of Jeannette, who turns 19 this week, told a Westmoreland County judge on Monday that he didn’t want to be remembered as a “savage” and conceded that the February 2015 death of 16-year-old Ryan Mangan was “messed up,” the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported.

“Sometimes sorry isn’t enough for people, but that’s all I have to give,” Morton said.

Wow, can you believe these bigoted Whites who just won’t accept an apology for having murdered their boy on a whim?

Morton was convicted in February of third-degree murder. He testified that the teens were playing with a handgun and he thought it wasn’t loaded when he pointed it at Mangan and pulled the trigger. He said he took the selfie to document what happened and said he planned to kill himself.