Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 17, 2015

As the reader is aware, I am not opposed to old memes. I would be ashamed to my ancestors if I thought I was too edgy to use old, forced memes, such as dubs or advice dog.

But when I saw that Appalachian State University was using old memes to mock White males who don’t do anal with men and have working legs, I was deeply sickened.
“Why can’t I hold all this male privilege,” reads one meme on the bulletin board hanging at Appalachian State University.
“‘I don’t see color’ which also means I deny having white privilege,” reads another flier on the red board adorned with colorful puzzle pieces.
The fliers are products of the “Check Your Privilege” campaign started by three University of San Francisco professors, as previously reported by Campus Reform.
“If you can expect time off from work to celebrate your religious holidays, you have Christian privilege,” one flier reads.
According to Laurel Littler, a junior commercial photography major at Appalachian State, the bulletin board was approved and put up by the hall’s RA.
“A residential hall is the last place to push an agenda,” Littler told Campus Reform. “When I come home, I want to feel accepted, not outcasted for something I can’t help. I can’t help that I’m Caucasian. Will they be happy if I change the color of my skin so I don’t have my ‘white privilege’ anymore? I want to be comfortable in my own skin. You can’t preach equality if you aren’t willing to let a people group feel accepted as they are.”
Littler said that since college is supposed to be a “marketplace of ideas,” college students should not only have the freedom to state opinions but also the freedom to challenge the ideas of others.
“A person has to use common sense and sensitivity to a person’s background when addressing issues,” she said.
These old memes, like everything else in the universe, were created by White heterosexual males with working legs. Some of the 4chanists who created them were probably fat, but they didn’t even include thin privilege on this board.

By the way, what is the deal with including cripples as a victimized group? Does this seem weird to anyone else? I mean, I guess on some level it makes logical sense, more so than saying a person is “privileged” because they don’t have a sex fetish for male buttholes. But are cripples really oppressed, or even opposed by anyone? There are obviously anti-feminists, anti-homos, anti-trannies and so on, but is there any group active in political campaigning against crippled people?