Apparently Apple Watches are Assembled by Slave Child Labor

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
October 30, 2018

What’s the point of having children if they don’t plow your fields and assemble Apple watches?

I tend to hate Apple as a principle, because I can’t stand their hipster bullshit marketing. But hearing about how they’re enslaving chink children and forcing them to build their watches is really raising my opinion of the tech company.

Can Rim Cook get hipsters to ironically support forced child labor? Could be Apple’s greatest marketing campaign ever. 

If Apple’s marketing emphasized their policy of enslaving third-worlders to produce cheap products for White hipsters, I might actually start buying them.

The Verge:

Apple is looking into its Apple Watch supply chain after a report published last week claimed its manufacturer relied on student interns to complete the devices, according to the Financial Times. Sacom, a human rights group, claims Quanta Computer, a Taiwanese Apple supplier, employed students illegally and required them to work overtime and nightshifts with only one day off per week. Sacom says Quanta exclusively manufactures the Apple Watch Series 1, 2, and 4, and is the main manufacturer of the Series 3.

“Student interns.”

What a nice way to phrase it.

The South was also known to employ student interns to pick their cotton fields.

The group says it interviewed 28 high school students at the Quanta Computer factory in Chongqing, China this summer. Most of them were aged between 16 and 18 and performed rote tasks on the production line.

The students claim their teachers told them they wouldn’t be able to graduate on time without this work. One student majoring in auto repair told the group: “I told my teacher I do not want to do this job. He then called my father and talked to him for more than an hour. My father then pressured me, so I had no choice but to come.”

These are kids forced to work long hours for little pay against their will. So what do you call that?

“Student interns,” of course. They’re students, and they’re not getting paid – that’s internship for ya.

Definitely not slavery.

Sacom claims that many of the students’ majors had nothing to do with electronics, and that they saw no benefit from this internship that involved assembling parts for 12 hours a day, sometimes from 8PM to 8AM. We’ve reached out to Apple for comment on the story, but in the meantime, the company issued a statement to the Financial Times and said:

“We are urgently investigating the report that student interns added in September are working overtime and night shifts. We have zero tolerance for failure to comply with our standards and we ensure swift action and appropriate remediation if we discover [supplier code] violations.”

They’re “investigating.”

Butch lesbian CEO Tim Cook is on the case.

There is basically no way they didn’t know that their main supplier for an entire line of products was using slave child labor.

I guess they just didn’t expect to be caught. Or rather, they expected that if caught, no one would have the balls to call them out for using slave labor, and would instead call them “student interns,” lol. They’d be right.

After all, this is 2018. The nature of things doesn’t matter – all that matter is the label you put on those things.