Daily Stormer
June 21, 2014

This is a result of his Children’s Crusade, as well as his general obsession with forcing the American people, against their will, to accept tens of millions of people from anywhere/everywhere.
Barack Obama is going to go down in history as the world President, ever. In some ways, this is positive, as it has proved blacks are completely inept and generally worthless.
These data are from a June 5-8 Gallup poll. Disapproval of the president’s handling of immigration has climbed 10 points since August 2013, when more than half of Americans (55%) disapproved.
Recent developments contributing to the ongoing debate about immigration include Obama’s delay of a review of deportation policies by the Department of Homeland Security in the hope of striking a legislative deal on immigration reform with Congress. Also, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s recent primary loss was widely viewed as a defeat rooted in Cantor’s perceived stance on immigration. The primary loss and subsequent shakeup in House leadership could spell greater challenges for Obama as he tries to work with Republicans. Additionally, the media has recently enlarged its spotlight on the increasing numbers of unaccompanied Central American children who have crossed the U.S. border, seeking their already immigrated family members and a generally better life.