Arab Flew to US to Collect 13-Year-Old Girl with Plan to Get Her Pregnant and Rape Her Children

Daily Stormer
March 6, 2014

Police found bondage tape, two hooded face masks, condoms and cameras in his bag as well as a computer which contained child pornography.
Shuhel Mahboob brought interesting enrichment the White world with his diverse and colorful ideas about sex.

The Arab Shuhel Mahboob Ali has been sentenced to ten years in prison for a plan to bring some extreme cultural enrichment to our society.

He was arrested in Florida last year by an undercover agent from the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, who had met him on the internet while posing as a father soliciting his 13-year-old daughter to be married.

Ali, 40, spent several months communicating with the agent, explaining his plan to bring her back to the UK, where he would get her pregnant and then have sex with his own children.

He told how he wanted to “settle down with a girl and raise a couple of daughters for ‘the lifestyle.'” He said that he would begin raping the baby “once the mid-wife left.”

The court documents obtained by the Orlando Sentinel also quote him explaining the diabolical logic behind his unfathomably sick plan, “When you start with very, very, very young, you can mold them to believe anything and do anything you see.”

During the online chat sessions, he also told the agent of other children he had abused.

Ali flew from London to Sanford, Florida in April, expecting to meet the father of the girl he was planning to use in his horror show.

He was arrested near Titusville by agents from the Department of Homeland Security and local sheriff’s deputies and taken into custody in North Brevard County.

Bondage tape, two hooded face masks, condoms, cameras and a laptop containing child pornography were found in his bag.

Ali pleaded guilty to charges of enticing a minor to engage in sexual activity.

On Monday he was given a ten year sentence, to be served in federal prison.

“It is truly unimaginable that monsters exist and walk among us with the purpose of victimizing our most precious citizens,’ Sheriff Wayne Ivey said at the time of his arrest. ‘I want this message to be absolutely crystal clear: We will use every lawful resource we have in our possession to find and remove you from society if you try to harm a child, no matter where you may be on this planet.”

This case clearly demonstrates the objective fact that all those who oppose immigration are nutty extremists who should go to prison, because they are so filled with hatred.  It is time we stood up to these racists, who are so filled with hatred that they would try and stop a poor immigrant such as Ali from coming to White countries, when the only thing he wants to do is have an arranged marriage with a 13-year-old girl, rape her, and have her give birth to daughters that he can then have sex with.

There is only one race – the Human Race.

Shuhel Mahboob Ali is British

The Daily Mail and other news outlets which reported on this case referred to Ali as “British.”

"Shuhel Mahboob" is a traditional Anglo-Saxon name.
“Shuhel Mahboob” is a traditional Anglo-Saxon name.

The actual, real life argument now is that race does not exist, and is not a contributor to behavior.  This quite literally amounts to a claim that genetics do not exist.  We are merely to sit here and accept our own annihilation, because it would be racist to voice any opposition to this Jewish agenda.

Race is absolutely relevant to cases of child abuse and other sick sexual behaviors.  The entire Ottoman Empire was built on the drive to capture sex slaves.  The Arabs’ religion, like that of the Jews, still allows slavery today, and Saudi Arabia is the world’s number one importer of sex slaves (with Israel a close second).

Aisha would play with her dolls when Mohammed was not having sex with her.
Aisha would play with her dolls when Mohammed was not having sex with her.

The Prophet Mohammed married his wife Aisha when she was six, and would take baths with her and rub his penis in between her thighs until she turned nine, when he penetrated her.

Present day Islamic religious scholars agree that it is appropriate for a Muslim man to have sex with a girl after her ninth birthday, as this is what was practiced by the Prophet.

We mustn’t fall into the trap of believing this is a religious problem, however.  Child marriage and sex with prepubescent girls was a practice in Arabia among the natives long before Islam arrived, and all the religion did was codify this behavior.  The sexual problems of the Arabs, like those of the blacks (rape, usually of post-pubescents) and the Jews (every type of sexual perversion), are genetic in nature.

I would not claim that it is any of my business if, within their own homelands, Arabs want to have sex with little girls.  They have been doing this for thousands of years.  However, to bring them into White countries, and expect them to abandon this behavior pattern simply because we have asked them to, is like bringing in a bunch of lions and asking them to adopt a vegetarian diet.