Arab Kills White Woman While ‘Showing Off’ in Uninsured £100,000 Supercar

Birmingham Mail
August 11, 2014

Noreen Ryan and the scene of the crash.

The driver of a £100,000, hired supercar may have been “showing off” moments before he ploughed into another vehicle, killing a passenger in the Ford Fiesta.

Noreen Ryan and her sister Mary, who was driving the car, were returning from a family birthday party when the Audi R8 Spyder hit them in Hall Green. Driver Saqib Hussain later handed himself in at a police station.

Hussain appeared at Birmingham Crown Court yesterday and admitted causing the death of Birmingham City fanatic Noreen by dangerous driving.

The 24-year-old was told that a prison sentence is “inevitable”.

The computer engineer, of Alexander Road, Acocks Green, also admitted causing serious injury to Mary by dangerous driving and to a passenger in his car, Faisal Wahid.

Mary, aged 60, suffered a punctured lung, broken pelvis, broken ribs and a chipped spine in the crash.

Noreen Ryan (left) who died in the crash which left her sister Mary Ryan (right) critically injured. The picture was taken at a family 50th birthday party days before the Hall Green crash.

Hussain also admitted causing death while uninsured and failing to stop after a collision.

Outside court, Noreen’s brother Chris Ryan said: “The justice system has to do what it has to do. There will not be any justice whatever happens. It is not going to bring her back.

“She will be missed. Family members have come from hundreds of miles away to be here today.”

Hussain was at the wheel of a hired Audi R8 Spyder on the night of August 26 last year when he collided with the Fiesta, driven by Mary, near the junction of Shaftmoor Lane and Reddings Lane, Hall Green.

He initially left the scene, but handed himself in at a police station on the same night.

Joanne Barker, prosecuting, said “It is not the prosecution case he was racing with the Mercedes vehicle behind. The prosecution would submit he may well have been showing off.”

She added: “He did not adjust his speed despite seeing her. He was going too fast to do anything about it.

Saqib Hussain appeared at Birmingham Magistrates Court charged with causing death by dangerous driving.

“The collision would not have occurred if he had not been travelling at the speed he was.”

Sentence was adjourned until September 15, when CCTV of the incident will be played in court, so that reports can be prepared on Hussain.

A tribute amongst flowers and a Birmingham City teddy mascot read: “Rip nanny Noreen, you will be missed by all of us.” Another read: “In loving memory Noreen, Val”.

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