Arabs Beat Jew on Subway for Complaining About Their Anti-Israel Sing-a-Long

ABC Chicago
January 8, 2015

The Arabs were happily singing anti-Jew songs on the subway when one of Satan’s chosen ones appeared and started interfering.

Berlin police are investigating an attack on an Israeli citizen who was beaten by a group of young men after he asked them to stop singing anti-Semitic songs on the subway in the German capital on New Year’s Eve.

Police spokesman Martin Dahms said Monday that police have not yet been able to identify the attackers, but are evaluating video footage of the incident.

The victim, 26-year-old Shahak Shapira, who lives in Berlin, told The Associated Press that after he asked the seven men to stop chanting anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli songs and slurs, he recorded them on his cell phone.

The incident might have looked a bit like this.

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