Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 13, 2015
Any quick perusal of the media attacks on Donald Trump will show that the media figures involved in these attacks appear to be nigh 100% Jew in orientation.
For example, the Jewish editor of the US News and World Report, Robert Schlesinger, just came out with a piece entitled: “Trump is What’s Wrong with America.”
The piece goes through every meme they are presently spreading against the Glorious Leader:
- He’s a racist
- He’s attacking the Constitution by banning Moslems (because Jews claim the Constitution applies to the entire world)
- He’s a fascist
- The Daily Stormer and David Duke support him
- He is a mean person
- He will put people in concentration camps
Watching these Jews froth at the mouth is extremely entertaining. It really doesn’t take much to get them to pull of their masks and act like rabid animals.

It’s also entertaining to see commenters on this site and on other White Nationalist sites still attacking the Donald, making these autistic claims that he is somehow part of a Jewish conspiracy, even while the entirety of international Jewry seeks to destroy him. It really goes to show that there does exist a Jewish internet commenter conspiracy – because at this point, no one who is not openly retarded could believe that the Donald is not the greatest thing to happen to the White race since Hitler.
He is the Glorious Leader and the Great Releaser of Bagged Cats.