Are You a British Cuckservative?

Morgoth’s Review
August 5, 2015


It’s been fun watching our friends and allies over in America skewer the pansy Right over their ”cuckservatism” and it’s been even more fun watching the cuckservatives respond like the neutered dogs they are, using every weapon and psychological trick their Leftist betters used on them to reduce them to whimpering sycophants. Obviously, we here in England also suffer from people who cleave to the rotting husk of what used to be conservatism but is now just a more Big Business friendly version of the New Left. The problem is many don’t actually understand they are ”cucks” so here’s some pointers in how British Cuckservatives think……
If you…think the European Union is a way for Germany to install the Fourth Reich, then you are a cuckservative.

If you…think Third World immigrants would stop the mass rapes of white girls if they just renounced Islam, then you are a cuckservative.

If you Pat Condell on you tube and think he’s the only guy brave enough to give you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, then you are a cuckservative.


If you… say ”It isn’t about race, it’s about space” when discussing immigration, then you are cuckservative.

If you… think that Jews are running all of the terrestrial TV stations and the bulk of the newspapers because they work harder and study more than everybody else, then you are a cuckservative.

If you… become outraged over Muslim attacks on Free Speech while not minding Holocaust Denial laws on the continent or the activities of the European Jewish Congress in shutting down whatever they don’t like, you are a cuckservative.

If you… thought Michael Gove’s education reforms were more important than the fact that 25% of the children in education are non white, then you are a cuckservative.

If you…think importing Poles is worthwhile because the white working class are lazy benefit scrounging scum, then you are cuckservative.

If you…think Israel is a beacon of freedom and democracy defending western values against Islam, then you are a cuckservative.

If you…think saying ”I don’t give a crap what their race or religion is as long as they respect our culture and British values”makes you sound like a tough Right Winger, then you are a cuckservative.

If you… think white people becoming a minority in their own country, against their will, is morally acceptable but mass deportations not, then you are a cuckservative.

If you… think you’re being really clever by calling the Left Fascists on the premise that both are evil and had big Governments, then you are a cuckservative.

If you… think you can check-mate the Left by supporting Homos and Jews against Islam, you are a cuckservative.

If you… sing the praises of Jews, Sikhs and Hindus as model immigrants to prove you aren’t racist and just hate Islam, then you are a cuckservative.

If you… support the Trident Nuke program because you believe ”Putin is the next Hitler” and likely to sail the Russian Navy across the North sea and invade us, then you are a cuckservative.

If you… believe there is an economic argument for immigration, then you are a cuckservative.

If you… believe that the lack of an economic argument for mass immigration is the real issue and not the racial and ethnic component, then you are a cuckservative.

If you…think the burka should be banned so we can more easily ”integrate” with the Third World, then you are cuckservative.

If you…read these points and thought ”it’s just the ramblings of a Neo Nazi White Supremacist” then you are a cuckservative.

 ”Take my daughter, take my wife, take my land, just please don’t call me a racist” -Cuckservatives.