Argentina: Women Run Screaming Naked, Shit in Streets, Burn Churches to Fight Patriarchy [NSFW]

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
October 16, 2018

This year’s Women’s National Summit ended with a classic: whores shitting in the streets, burning churches and other phallocentric buildings, and vandalizing public property.


Because it’s their turn now.

This is the Era of Matriarchy.

Shitting in the streets is great for wormman empowerment.

They do have a point – bathrooms are an invention of the Patriarchy. Men made those. In fact, men made everything. That’s why these whores act like a tribe of mudmanoids before the coming of Europeans to America. That is, like cannibal savages.

Buenos Aires Times:

Close to 60 thousand women descended this weekend on the sea-side city of Trelew in Argentina’s south for the 33rd annual Women’s National Summit (ENM) .

The summit is a key event for Argentina’s women’s movement, which in August came close to seeing a core component of its agenda, the decriminalistion of abortion, approved in the country’s Congress.

Tweets, images, and videos will tell you the story of this Great Clitoriarchal Liberation.

Naked sluts in front of children.  Full Matriarchy.

A group of empowered feminists attacked a family that tried to prevent them from vandalizing their store:

Symbolically invaluable.

Whores tried to burn down a church. The following is a video of firefighters saving the church:

Miguel Gómez, police chief, says “A group of 25 to 30 people, mostly young women, broke off from the march and started behaving aggressively.

Empowered womyn were seen marching through the streets half-naked to protest being thought of as sexual objects.

That is quite the liberationary scene.

They were buying gasoline and putting it in bottles.

“It was the most massive march in the history of the transvestite-trans movement.”

Listen to these Indians:

Women, without guidance from a strong, firm man, show their chaotic and degenerate nature. They seem to devolve, to go back to the primitive, but that’s what they carry inside. They never really evolved.

When they say we oppress them, they’re almost right.

We suppress their worst instincts.

We oppress that chaotic and destructive nature of theirs to protect them from themselves, to spare them the pain of being dried-up infertile childless whores. A pain which more often than not, drives them to madness and suicide.

The above tweet says that a group of men attacked four women on the streets. They kicked one of the sluts and dragged another one to a bonfire they made on the street. Police got involved.

Witches were almost burned.

Cage them all.