Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 5, 2018
A hidden problem with the Hoax of the Century is the way it makes it impossible to properly analyze mass psychology.
The idea that millions of people were rounded up and gassed and made no attempt to resist – even while being shoved into gas chambers – as a citation of the way human beings will behave in such a situation as a genocide makes it difficult to discuss this type of hypothetical.
The Holocaust might not have happened if the Jews had guns, a US politician has claimed.
Don Young, a Republican from Alaska, was caught on camera telling locals the Jews were “put into the ovens because they were unarmed”.
“They say let’s ban the AR-15. OK, let’s ban that,” Mr Young told a gathering of the Alaska Municipal League last month.
“Then what else are you going to ban? What else? The shotgun? Then long rifles, then sling shots, bows and arrows. Knives. How many millions of people were shot and killed because they were unarmed? Fifty million in Russia, because their citizens weren’t armed. How many Jews were put into the ovens because they were unarmed?“
The NRA has been using this talking point for years. And we know the NRA knows about the Jews being the sole force behind gun control programs in America. So the argument becomes: “these Jews are trying to gas themselves – we’re just trying to help them not get gassed.”
The Jews are put in a difficult position by this, sort of – but it is more to do with explaining the Holocaust itself, because their immediate response is always that Hitler didn’t do gun control, which is true. So then it’s like okay, so why did you allow yourselves to be rounded up and shoved into gas chambers then? If you had the ability to resist, then why did you choose not to do that?
The “Jews were gassed because they couldn’t resist because they didn’t have any weapons” narrative actually makes a lot more sense than the actual story that the Jews tell.