Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2014
Armed men have seized the Crimean Parliament building and hoisted the Russian flag, the Guardian has reported. They are also displaying a sign which reads “Crimea is Russia.”
Those occupying the building, located in the Crimean regional capital of Simferopol, have yet to voice any demands. They are wearing black and orange ribbons.
When a journalist attempted to question them, they threw a flash grenade.
All day yesterday, Russians in Crimea were fighting the Tartar subhumans who were screaming “Allah Akbar” as they crowded the streets in support of the Jewish revolution in Kiev.
The Jew John Kerry has warned Putin not to invade the Ukraine, saying that “this is not Rocky IV.” Which certainly speaks to the seriousness of the American diplomatic apparatus.
Can you imagine Putin comparing a potential World War situation to a Hollywood movie?
Kiev: Jews Gone Wild
Meanwhile in Kiev, the Jews have just set up a multimillionaire Jewish banker, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as the head of the freedom revolution. With Jew Yatsenyuk as PM, the ratfaced Jewish boxer Vitali Klitschko is going to run for President.
The braided Jewess Yulia Tymoshenko has scurried off to Germany because the poor dear has an aching back, but has sworn to return and assume some type of high position in this new Jewish revolutionary government.
This is a massive sickening joke. Neither Oleh Tyahnybok or Andriy Parubiy have complained about putting a Jewish banker in as PM, and filling most of the other top positions with what appears to be mostly all Jews. The leadership of Pravy Sektor also has zipped lips on the Jew banker. Just like they all kept quite while their revolution was being run by the Jew boxer. This leads to the obvious conclusion that all of these people are Jews.
It could not be more clear to me who the good guys are here: Russians.
Mr. Putin, the time has come to punish the guilty.
You must make a stand at Crimea.
Hail Greater Russia!
May the Empire rise again!
May the Archangel guide the hand of Tsar Putin, may his strike be swift, may he gut the Jews like pigs!