XA Ameriki
November 1, 2014
The international Jewish advocacy group “Anti-Defamation League” has recently filed a vitriol laden report on Golden Dawn New York’s successful conference, which featured European Union member of parliament Georgios Epitideios as a keynote speaker. The article brazenly defames Golden Dawn New York and MEP Epitideios under the category of “terrorists” and implies that we are criminals for legally organizing to educate our community and support our homeland. For those who may not know, Georgios Epitideios is a retired General that has served as a senior staff member of the central command of NATO’s military forces. For the Anti-Defamation League to label this European Union parliament member and our educational conference on the economic and political situation in Greece as “terrorism” is nothing more than a vicious libel.

The Anti-Defamation League is a Holocaust-denying organization that has lobbied around the world to prevent acceptance and education on the Greek and Armenian genocides orchestrated by the Turkish government. Furthermore, the ADL also plays an instrumental role in sabotaging any attempts to hold the Israeli government accountable for war crimes, and fanatically supports the various crimes against humanity perpetuated against women and children in last summer’s Gaza war by the IDF.

What is perhaps the most shocking revelation, however, are the close ties the despot Samaras has with this organization. The ADL’s national director, Abe Foxman, has met with the Greek government and is outlining a plan where the Holocaust-denying Jewish supremacist organization will be training Greek police and overhauling the Greek educational system. It is a very concerning development that a group which denies the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Pontian Greeks, recklessly labels a well-respected representative of the Greek community as a “terrorist”, and is known for its unwavering support of the Turkish government will be granted the power to shape Greek minds- all thanks to the traitors and collaborators in the Samaras regime.
The lows that organizations such as the ADL will stoop to in order to protect international bankers, globalists, and hostile foreign interests that today fly around the Greek nation like vultures are remarkable. But these liars and bullies will not stop us from exercising our legitimate political and civil rights.