Arrogant Black Gets in Everyone’s Face and Then Gropes a White Woman

March 20, 2014

The Black does his very best to try everyone’s patience to the limits.

Around 7:30 p.m. Monday night, a man headed south on BART near the Colma Station made his presence known via a boom box loud enough to be heard over the notoriously screeching sound of BART trains. After multiple riders asked the man to turn it down, one woman stood up to confront him directly, which only encouraged him to make a bigger scene.

The confrontation between the suspect in the red baseball cap and his fellow passengers lasted a good seven minutes or so, all of which was captured by BART rider/Redditor raz009. During the confrontation, the man can be seen getting in several people’s faces before groping the woman as he exits the train. The alleged sexual battery happens around the 6:30 mark.

Apparently he was eventually tracked down by the BART PD.

According to the video’s author, he followed the suspect off the train to report the behavior to BART Police. When the suspect saw him talking to a station agent, he turned around to board a train going in the opposite direction. BART Police, who had received multiple reports of the mans behavior, reportedly took him into custody at the next station.

SFist reached out to BART PD to inquire about the man’s arrest and any possible criminal charges, but our phone calls had not been returned as of Tuesday afternoon.