Aryan Narrations: Black Innovation

Radio Aryan
February 4, 2016

African built helicopter with inventor/pilot.
African built helicopter with inventor/pilot.

Taken from an essay by VS Herrell, this narration deals with an insidious deception that has been waged against our people. This deception is the myth of Black invention and innovation. Due to the Blacks being imported into America and once there being taught how to read, write and wear clothes, it was thought expedient that they ought to also be taught about the history of mankind. Due to accurate history only being passed down through the medium of writing however, there was no history of the Blacks to speak of, since they never even had an alphabet. In fact Blacks had remained exactly the same from the time of the pharaohs until now.

This caused well meaning but misguided White men to grow worried that the Blacks might suffer from low self esteem, if they ever found out they had no history and had never contributed anything of note to civilisation. So they decided that rather than tell the negroes the truth, they would lie to them instead and create a fictional history for them. As with all lies, this led to a requirement for even more deceptions on top of the first and eventually there came a need for there to be fictional Black inventors and scientists, in order to pretend to the negroes that they were ‘equal’ to all the White innovators, who are actually responsible for up to 99% of all technology ever used in the world.

This process is still continuing today, only they are not just telling the Blacks that they built the pyramids and invented refrigerators, they are also teaching these lies to White children, stripping them of their glorious past and instead crediting it to primitives. They are even now telling White British children that African savages built Hadrian’s wall, the Roman wall that divides Scotland from England. This lie is based on there being records of African slaves held by the Romans, but these African slaves were White slaves. North Africa had been colonised and occupied by Whites for about a thousand years by this point in history. Blacks were not allowed to go anywhere near the civilised parts of Africa without an owner with them, there were even signs put on the borders of Egypt warning them that they would be killed should they dare venture any further unaccompanied.

Of course they could not actually read these signs, but at least they were there.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks from the essay by VS Herrell

Aryan Narrations: Black Innovation

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