Aryan Narrations: Can The White Race Survive?

Radio Aryan
March 12, 2016


This collection of edited Narrations come from the 1929 book of the same name, by James Denson Sayers. Sayers realised that all the previous civilisations of the world had been created by White men. He also realised that what was left of those White nations were now varying shades of brown and living among the ruins, unable in many cases to even read and write, let alone place blocks of stone one upon the other to build pyramids and the like.

At the time this was written, the word ‘racist’ had not yet been invented and the author believed that once he had published his research, the White world would have to unite and expel all the non-Whites for the good of all, since all races depend upon the maintenance of Western civilisation. He could not see how anyone could object to this, it seemed like such a logical course of action for all races to take.

What a shock he would have if he could see what the world looks like today, almost one hundred years after his dire warning was first proclaimed and no governments are doing anything to prevent the coming catastrophe.

Starting with the basic Negroid type, he provides all the evidence needed to show that every other race in the world is made up of a mixture of Caucasian and Negro, even the Chinese and Japanese. There are many cases of Negroes having the same shaped eyes as them and the African bushmen to this day still claim the Chinese are related to them racially. The White man spread out all over the earth and except for where it was too cold, he either brought his Negro slaves with him or put the ones growing in the land naturally to good use.

Unfortunately the same problem has always then arisen. Certain members of the White race have interbred with the lower race and introduced the degrading negroid blood into the nation. Gradually more and more people would become adulterated with it, until there were not enough people left to maintain the civilisation. He traces evidence of this in the remains of mummies, descriptions of the gods, sculptures of the gods and in some cases, using quotes from confused researchers who were finding they were unable to find a single source for the other races, but did have copious evidence of inter-racial breeding among the lower classes.

Much of his research has since been validated, by the Solutreans in America and the White mummies in China for instance, yet still there are people who insist that it is fine to race-mix and that breeding with Asians is ok because they have a high IQ. Well just think of the high IQ that the Whites they were originally descended from had! Breeding with Japanese will not increase IQ, it will just mean we become like them, unable to innovate at all but able to copy to a high standard if we are shown how.

Mongrelisation is the secret to the downfall of civilisation and this theory has continued to be confirmed by countless researchers since then including Hitler, but still it remains a taboo subject even though it is of the utmost importance to everyone on this planet.

Extracts narrated by Sven Longshanks from ‘Can The White Race Survive’ by James Denson Sayers

Aryan Narrations: Can The White Race Survive I – Introduction and The Negroid Type

Download (40:14)

Aryan Narrations: Can The White Race Survive II – India

Download (29:26)

Aryan Narrations: Can The White Race Survive III – Egypt

Download (34:13)

Aryan Narrations: Can The White Race Survive IV – Egypt Continued

Download (21:52)

Aryan Narrations: Can The White Race Survive V – The Far East

Download (22:45)

Aryan Narrations: Can The White Race Survive VI – The Far East Continued

Download (27:19)

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