Aryan Narrations: George Lincoln Rockwell on The Black Plague

Radio Aryan
December 29, 2016

Sven Longshanks continues the Aryan Narrations for the week with another reading from George Lincoln Rockwell’s White Power, this time Rockwell’s views on the Black plague, the overwhelming increase in useless low IQ savages brought about by advances in modern science that have then been wasted on Africans. Rockwell explains how expecting Negroes to be able to live up to White standards when they are a different species entirely is guaranteed to irritate them. When they realise they cannot compete with the White man due to their lack of ability, they turn to crime in order to acquire all the shiny things that they covet so much.

Their population has gone from being 1% of the world’s population to 20% in just a hundred years. Most of them are not even capable of finding their own water and rely on charity from the western world in order to survive in Africa and half the population of some countries there are under 30 years old, due to the artificially inflated birth rate. Under normal conditions, the high birth rate would be balanced out by over half dying due to disease, being sold into slavery or being eaten. But since we now share our medicine with them and have banned slavery, the natural checks on the Negro population have all gone.

The Liberal answer to this problem is that birth control will reverse the situation, but birth control is only ever used by the most intelligent people. Blacks refuse to use it, especially when the more offspring they have the more free stuff they can get in the form of welfare. Rockwell explains why birth control is useless in the face of the rising tide of colour in America and in Africa, before warning us of what will come in the future if we refuse to do something about the problem now.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

Aryan Narrations: George Lincoln Rockwell on The Black Plague – AN 122816

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Aryan Narrations: George Lincoln Rockwell on The Black Plague – AN 122916

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Aryan Narrations: George Lincoln Rockwell on The Black Plague – AN 123016

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