Aryan Narrations: Hitler Was Right!

Radio Aryan
November 17, 2015


The Hitler Was Right! meme has a long history, going back to at least 1989 when Colin Jordan wrote this essay to coincide with the fuhrer’s one hundredth birthday.

He wanted it to be shouted by nationalists wherever they were on that day, but if he were still alive now, he would see it effectively being used in a variety of places and not just online.

Recently an activist was inspired to use HWR stickers for maximum effect by hitting Birmingham university with them.

This got the meme into mainstream newspapers and national news and surely Jordan would have been proud to see his words being repeated in such a public way.

In fact he gives many tips in his essays on successful activism and the influence of his writings can be seen in National Action who appear to be following much of his advice, whether knowingly or not.

We dont really need a special time of year to reaffirm that Hitler was right, the proof of his prophetic words is all around us and everywhere you look you can see something that would be improved by adhering to NS principles.

Everything was better under National Socialism because it was grounded in the eternal truths of the natural order and that, is why Hitler was right.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks.

Aryan Narrations: Hitler Was Right!


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