Aryan Narrations: National Socialism – World Creed for the Future

Radio Aryan
November 24, 2015

Although the National Socialist state was defeated in 1945, the National Socialist doctrine itself can never be defeated. The whole creed was based around never giving in and never giving up. It is about using the struggle in order to better yourself. By overcoming the obstacles placed in our way by our enemies, we learn more about our own capabilities and that struggle is required in order to improve them.

National Socialism was not something of its time, but something outside of time. Although based on the laws of nature and thus unchanging, the ways these laws are to be interpreted and made use of depends on the society and the people that are applying them. Each country has its own traditions and culture and NS was about honouring those traditions and ensuring that they remained relevant. Today this could be applied to the resurgence of historically White religious doctrines being interpreted through a racial lense, that are not preached from a pulpit or a lodge, but through blogs and websites made available to people through the internet.

Instead of listening to speeches in working men’s clubs and having to fight off communists, we are now able to download podcasts or videos and digest them in the relative safety of our own homes. Although this means less physical social contact, it does mean that the information is available to everyone and provided the internet is not also used for porn, then the end could be said to justify the means.

In this first part of a trilogy of Colin Jordan Narrations, the author explains how National Socialism proved that the end could justify the means, but only if those means were in harmony with the end, which they are, in the above instance. To make compromises with Jews and homosexuals however, would be to betray the spirit of this doctrine, but to speak out against the problems caused by them, while maybe not directly attacking them, could gain support and lead people to discovering the source of the problems for themselves.

Like most of Jordan’s writings, this essay remains relevant today and his insights into the dangers of compromising with our enemies, are particularly prescient.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks

Aryan Narrations: National Socialism – World Creed for the Future I

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National Socialism and the Occult - Thule and the New Messiah - Knight of the Grail - Der Bannerträger -1934 - Hubert Lanzinger - Peter Crawford

In the middle part of Colin Jordan’s essay he identifies six tasks for modern day National Socialists and these are:

1. To purify and develop the creed of National Socialism. To constantly refine it down to it’s essence and then to apply it’s principles to life today.

2. We need to build a new elite and by the very definition of the word, we will not find them by appealing to the masses but through assessing our own people for the most capable among us, before encouraging them and helping them in their task.

3. Our attention must be concentrated on attaining gradual power through infiltration and stealth, rather than burning ourselves out trying to beat the parliamentary system at its own game.

4. All chances to apply National Socialist principles in the microcosm, must be taken. This could mean home education for children, setting up pro-White communities and instructing youth in racial history and politics.

5. Daring feats that gain large amounts of mainstream publicity for our cause are worth far more than posting leaflets through letterboxes. The more innovative and grandiose the stunt the better, the audacity will impress the public and let those sympathetic to our views know that a dedicated resistance group does exist.

6. The old order must be broken down in order for us to build the new one. Every chance there is to help it on its way must be taken and whenever a spanner can be safely thrown in the works, we should do it. Our own online media is becoming very good at this, pointing out the inconsistencies and incompetence of our Jew-controlled politicians, along with the insanity of the equality agenda.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks

Aryan Narrations: National Socialism – World Creed for the Future II

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National Socialism means rejecting decadence of all kinds, including decadent music and immoral art. At the time when Colin Jordan was writing this, rap music had yet to become mainstream and the worst music of his era, would seem positively tame compared to most modern music videos which resemble soft pornography more than anything else. We should stand against this assault on our senses and point out where art is ugly or music is degenerate. Similarly we should not seek to use that which is degenerate in its essence, even if it is popular. Flashing a pair of breasts will get people’s attention as Femen regularly demonstrate, but to use tactics like that would be to negate our message.

Jordan also rails against petty nationalism, pointing out how it has led to many of our people preferring to cause harm to their own nations, rather than back down and eat humble pie. National Socialism was about acknowledging both the nation and the race. We need to have loyalty to both and when it comes down to it, our loyalty to race needs to take precedent. We are being forced to acknowledge this especially since the inception of the EU and the third world invasion, as all European Nations are now facing the same threat and we have an enemy in common for once, instead of it being each other. America has led the way in this respect for many years, being the birthplace of White Nationalism due to the many White nations that originally formed the new nationality that is American.

The folk must come first and the White nations of the world must unite, if we are to throw of the shackles of world Jewry and regain control over the destiny of our nations. Either our ideas will dominate, or the enemy will and for the good of the world, it has to be our ideology that wins.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks

Aryan Narrations: National Socialism – World Creed for the Future III

Download (21:29)

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