As a Jew, I’m Surprised More White Men Aren’t Tweeting the Hashtag #GasTheKikes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2015

ben garrison u4bf

Jews – be honest. Have you ever found yourself walking home at night, and been accused of enslaving Blacks and killing millions of Indians? Or has a White man ever taken over your government and used it to funnel billions of dollars to his own country and forced your military to fight wars which exclusively benefit Whites? Likewise, Jews: has someone ever made laws causing less qualified people to be hired before you because of your race? Have foreigners ever taken over your media and encouraged your daughters to sleep with Blacks? Has someone claimed that your entire race should be eternally held responsible for a historical mass murder which didn’t even really happen?

If you have, then I’m sure you’ll be letting me know. But my guess is that for most of you, the answer is: no, of course you haven’t. Which is why, as a Jew, I didn’t really mind when I saw Ben Garrison, Skinhead Militia leader, tweet “#GasTheKikes”.

Playing up to the assumptions many Jews have made about Neo-Nazis – that they’re all Jew-hating barbarians armed with specially designed knives that are shaped to the exact curvature of a hooked-nose – is actually quite funny. No-one actually thinks that he was actually calling for a Jew genocide, do they?

Even when you put aside the fact that #GasTheKikes is essentially an ironic meme, it still doesn’t matter. As a Jew, I’m lucky enough to be in a position where it has literally never crossed my mind that a White man may one day abuse, assault or kill me because of my race. Yet according to the Ministry of Information in Palestine, an average of one child is killed by Jews every three days in Palestine. And according to the UN, 870,000 Arabs were killed in the Jewish-orchestrated invasion of Iraq.

Being Jewish, I’m also in a position where it’s impossible to be extradited if I flee to Israel after committing a crime in another country. For some reason, I have a better chance of being employed. And if, by chance, I was to get caught in a gigantic embezzlement scandal, to spy for communists, or go on a racist shooting spree, it’s much less likely that the media will dissect my Jewishness and its sociological significance, or call me a terrorist or “thug”. And as we all know, I could go on.

So what’s actually more surprising is that non-Jews still trust Jews, and that there aren’t more hashtag wielding, anti-Semites about. Because “not all Jews” may hate goyim, but statistically speaking a lot of them seem to. As Martin Luther says: “Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self­glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously.”

If you’re a Jew and you’ve started to feel excluded, or anxious that someone who isn’t Jewish may get preferential treatment over you, then all you’re doing is experiencing the same feeling everyone else has had since the Holocaust lie was invented. So please, if someone tweets something against you like this, just let it go.

As someone once put it on Stormfront – “the most radical, the absolute, most revolutionary political act a Jew can do is shut the fuck up”. So, with all the requisite self-awareness, I’ll be quiet now. Jews – will you join me?


This is based on an article by the Jew Max Benwell, wherein he claims to be a White person then says he’s okay with people calling for genocide against White men.
