As “Anti-Semitism” Rises, Jews Continue to Have Zero Explanation as to Why

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 4, 2017

Oy vey, the goyim are going bad.

CBS News:

The number of anti-Semitic incidents across the country increased by 67 percent in the first three quarters of 2017 compared to the same time period in 2016, a new report finds.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says in its latest “Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents” that the number of assaults, acts of vandalism and violence against Jewish institutions between Jan. 1 and Sept. 30 totaled 1,299, compared to 779 over the same time last year. The 1,299 figure surpasses the total for all of 2016, which stood at 1,266, the group said.

The group also said the number of incidents spiked after clashes between white supremacists and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly in August. One woman was killed when a man drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, and the controversy over President Trump’s reaction to the incident dominated headlines for weeks.

“We are astonished and horrified by the rise in anti-Semitic harassment, incidents and violence targeting our communities,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, CEO and national director of the ADL. “While the tragedy in Charlottesville highlighted this trend, it was not an aberration.”

The article goes on to list the bomb threats, which were done by an Israeli Jew who the US has not yet been able to extradite.

The rest of their cataloged incidents tend to be people yelling at Jews on the street or Jews being called names on the internet.

Despite the fact that the “incidents” recorded by the ADL tend to be hoaxes basically every single time, I do agree with them that anger towards the Jews is rising rapidly in the United States.

By far the most interesting thing about this is that the Jews do not even attempt to explain why people hate them. It is truly an incredible situation. They are literally making the claim that people hate them for no reason, and that more people are beginning to hate them for no reason – rapidly.

At the same time, they will admit that they are behind various agendas to transform Western society into a twisted mockery of what it once was.

A good example is The Atlantic’s Jeffery Goldberg stating plainly that “Jews invented modernity.”

Of course, it would make sense if Jews provoked a massive shift in the nature of the human experience, that people would hate them for that. However, the organizations such as the ADL that “track hate” never make that connection.

If anti-Semitism is really a problem which needs solved, we need to discuss what is causing it. I would be happy to have an open dialogue with the Jews of the ADL about why people hate them, and what they can do to reduce that hatred. But that won’t ever happen, because they know that if they were frank about what anti-Semitism is, more people would jump on board with it.

So instead, “rising hatred” must remain a mystery, totally separate from admissions of Jewish cultural, social, governmental and financial engineering programs.