Stuff Black People Don’t Like
June 13, 2015
One should never get too upset with high rates of black crime, because it’s almost always a black person who is the victim of said criminality.
The interest of SBPDL is not the promotion of ideas to uplift blacks (this is cause of the United States government), but the promulgation of concepts which will enable whites to break free of the chains forever binding us to the perpetual betterment of blacks… at the expense of our present, and our future.
Shocking examples of black criminality are available to anyone willing to read such papers as The Baltimore Sun or St. Louis Post-Dispatch, where the daily body count or random shootings are a reminder of why white flight happened and why white people make the choice to raise their families in areas free of the burden of blacks.

Take for instance this story of a random Tuesday in a 97 percent black black North St. Louis community, when at 4:30 p.m. multiple shots were fired by a black gunman into a park. Three people were wounded and another was killed in this shooting. [Shooting at St. Louis playground leaves neighborhood in mourning, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 6-11-15]:
Carol Cunningham’s sobs were audible Wednesday as she placed flowers at a makeshift memorial for her childhood friend, Jennifer Dorsey, next to a bench at Rumbold Park.
Less than 24 hours before, Dorsey, 27, was shot to death while hanging out with relatives and friends at the playground.
Cunningham, 23, said she planned to wear a T-shirt with a picture of Dorsey on it and stand outside a gas station to collect donations for Dorsey’s daughters, ages 2 and 3. She believes Dorsey’s mother will probably care for the children, even as the grandmother is still rearing the youngest of her own 12 children.
“I wish people would just stop the shooting and the killing,” Cunningham said, pointing to a circular scar where a bullet had pierced her lower right leg in August at the same park. That shooting left Daron Powell, 20, dead.
About 4:50 p.m. Tuesday, shots rang out again at the playground near North Market Street and North Spring Avenue in the Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood. Dorsey died, and three men were wounded.
A smattering of new, modest homes line the block around the park, amid vacant lots. On other houses, porches have collapsed and vines line the spaces where windows once hung.
But to the neighborhood, the playground is sacred.
“This is our park, this is for our kids,” Cunningham said. “We shouldn’t have to leave.”
On Wednesday afternoon, the postage stamp of a playground and half-block of open field stood mostly vacant. The bright blue and yellow play equipment baked in the sun against the backdrop of an abandoned warehouse-like structure that’s been deteriorating for so long that no residents could recall what it used to be (a United Railways Co. streetcar substation).
“They came up from behind that building and just started shooting,” Cunningham recalled of the incident last summer when she was wounded.
Despite the violence, area residents have always returned to their park, she said.
“When you grow up around here, you get immune to it,” she said. “But sometimes (criminals) run you out, and then you wait for a while until things get comfortable again.”
This is an actual “American” neighborhood in 2015. The dilapidated ruins of a civilization whites created long ago – and abandoned when blacks began to migrate to the areas – are a reminder of a past when a mass shooting on a random Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. was a situation reserved for a horror film.
You called it a post-apocalyptic world, but this does a disservice to the concept of Armageddon; the environment blacks have created in this North St. Louis community is replicated nationwide wherever blacks are found. In fact, black people engaging in violence near public parks is a recurring theme in St. Louis.
So it would be wrong to blame black people for failing to even maintain communities they inherit via white flight or chastise them for being able to show restraint when aggregated: this is just what blacks do when introduced into western civilization (those black people capable of assimilating to western civilization should not be highlighted as representative of their entire race, as you don’t base social policy on individuals).
In St. Louis, where black people wear shirts reading “We Must Stop Killing Each Other“(because black people have a propensity to killing one another), laws once existed to protect white people from the horrors of everyday black life.
They were overturned (as heavily documented at this site: see Shelley vs. Kraemer and Restrictive Covenants).
But these laws and rules existed for a reason, because white people long ago had sufficient anecdotes of typical black behavior to convince them to construct manners in which to safeguard their life, liberty, and property.
It is wrong to assign blame to blacks for their anti-social pathologies (which blacks celebrate), for it’s simply embedded in their genetic makeup. Individual blacks can assimilate to western civilization, but collectively, blacks represent the most devastating weapon against the survival of western civilization in an area where it once flourished.
Those who have enabled Black-Run America (BRA) to destroy much of the civilization white people erected across the nation are the true enemies of western civilization.
Though BRA continues to level much of the country, the pendulum will swing the other way.
And when this happens the mistake will be in blaming black people for engaging in the behavior nature merely constrained them to act; those who must be punished are those who enabled and profited off of this evolutionary hiccup in western civilization’s history.
For our ancestors once created rules and laws governing interracial interactions that were struck down and deemed ‘racist,’ when it was these rules and laws which kept civilization from going to pieces.
In their absence, white people must only watch in horror as areas once overflowing with social capital are now cities where black people fire multiple gunshots into crowds of children playing in a park… on a random Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.