As Predicted, Kike Dunham Apologizes for Defending Kike Friend Accused of Rape of Shiksa

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 19, 2017

Jews are so fucking disgusting. 

In the most predicable event of 2017, the filthy fat sloppy Jewish whore Lena Dunham has apologized for defending her ratfaced ethnic comrade who stands accused of raping a drunk 17-year-old shiksa a few years back.

Hollywood Reporter:

Lena Dunham has apologized for comments she made supporting Girls writer Murray Miller, who has been accused of sexually assaulting actress Aurora Perrineau.

On Friday, after the claims against Miller were made public, Dunham took to Twitter to support Miller on behalf of herself and Girls executive producer Jenni Konner, saying, “We believe, having worked closely with [Miller] for more than half a decade, that this is the case with Murray Miller. While our first instinct is to listen to every woman’s story, our insider knowledge of Murray’s situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the 3 percent of assault cases that are misreported every year.”

Dunham was criticized widely for her statement.

Here is her full statement:

As feminists, we live and die by our politics, and believing women is the first choice we make every single day when we wake up. Therefore I never thought I would issue a statement publically (sic) supporting someone accused of sexual assault, but I naively believed it was important to share my perspective on my friend’s situation as it has transpired behind the scenes over the last few months. I now understand that it was absolutely the wrong time to come forward with such a statement and I am so sorry. We have been given the gift of powerful voices and by speaking out we were putting our thumb on the scale and it was wrong. We regret this decision with every fiber of our being.

Every woman who comes forward deserves to be heard, fully and completely, and our relationship to the accused should not be part of the calculation anyone makes when examining her case. Every person and every feminist should be required to hear her. Under patriarchy, “I believe you” is essential. Until we are all believed, none of us will be believed. We apologize to any women who have been disappointed.

I call this yesterday, by the way. You’re not going to get that kind of analysis anywhere else, folks.


It was the same story with the kike Donna Karen defending the kike Harvey Weinstein – she had to apologize the next day.

You see Jews, you can’t just abuse the goyim forever and then laugh in their faces when they catch you. This anti-Semitic backlash against Semitic sexual behaviors is just the beginning.

You monsters have done a lot more than jerk-off at or rape women. The goyim just don’t know about those other things yet. But they’re going to.

I have no idea if Dunham will suffer for this misstep. Probably, she will not. As I understand it, her fans are all post-30 (read: post-sex appeal) women who simply hate men and want power over them – they don’t actually care about “women’s rights” or pretty teenage girls being drugged and raped by greasy kikes twice their age.

The Process of Feminism

Phase one

Phase two

Feminism has these stages, you see. It starts out as a legitimately misguided belief in some sort of emotionally-charged kike gibberish, which causes women to think it is empowering to skip marriage, fuck hundreds of men, have abortions and work in an office. Women are dumber than dogshit, so it’s easy to tell them hedonism will make them happy. Much easier than to tell men that, who are going to run things through logically, rather than just saying “OH WOW INFINITY SEX AND POWER??? SIGN ME UP, MR. CHOSENITE.” Women also lack all empathy, which makes it easier to fuck over men, murder babies, etc.

But after that stage of genuinely believing this is all a great idea, they get old, thus unattractive, thus without what for 10-15 years seemed like a magic power – that ability to emotionally manipulate men using their bodies. When that power is gone, and they have nothing to show for the hundreds of dicks they gorged themselves on, they blame their situation on men – because who else are they going to blame? Jews?

At that point, feminism is nothing more than pure, unadulterated hatred. And it lasts until a woman’s death, presumably. We don’t really know, because the first generation of women who skipped having children in order to get fucked and go to an affirmative action job and pretend to be a man is just now in their thirties. Hopefully, they start killing themselves, because a childless woman is the definition of a useless eater.