Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2017
The left is continuing to try to escalate political violence and terrorism to the point of creating warlike conditions in the United States.
A Negress Congressperson has praised the violence at Berkeley and called for more of it.
Virtually all mainstream media is praising political violence as a solution to Trump and calling for more of it.
Howard Dean has threatened a Bolshevik-style overthrow of the government by anarchist terrorists.
Virtually the entire left is going all-in on violent, terrorist tactics.
As this bizarre scenario unfolds, the Jewish communist Noam Chomsky was asked what he thought about it through email.
He responded:
Wrong in principle, and tactically self-destructive. When we move to the arena of violence, the most brutal guys win – and that’s not us.
And there you have a fact.
If they want a war, they are going to get a war.