Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2015

Ash Carter failed in his quest to train Hajis to fight ISIS. He spent half a billion dollars, but only trained a few guys who immediately defected to ISIS with all their weaponry the US had given them.
Now, he’s trying something else – sending American troops in to either fight or help ISIS.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter today revealed that the U.S. will openly begin “direct action on the ground” against ISIS forces in Iraq and Syria.
In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services committee on Tuesday, Carter said “we won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL…or conducting such mission directly, whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground.”
Cater pointed to last week’s rescue operation with Kurdish forces in northern Iraq to free hostages held by ISIS.
Acting on a tip that dozens of ISIS-held hostages were about to be slaughtered, U.S. and Kurdish commandos stormed a prison in northeastern Iraq before dawn Thursday, rescuing the captives in a firefight that ended with Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler being shot to death, officials said.
At the time Carter and Pentagon officials refused to characterize the operation as U.S. boots on the ground. However, Carter said that the military expects “more raids of this kind” and that the rescue mission “represents a continuation of our advise and assist mission.”
This may mean some American soldiers “will be in harm’s way, no question about it,” Carter said last week.
After months of denying that U.S. troops would be in any combat role in Iraq, Carter late last week in a response to a question posed by NBC News, also acknowledged that the situation U.S. soldiers found themselves in during the raid in Hawija was combat.
“This is combat and things are complicated,” Carter said.
A feisty Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, said on Tuesday that the U.S. effort in Syria is a “half-assed strategy at best,” and said that the U.S. is not doing a “damn thing” to bring down Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime.
So wait. Is this about ISIS or Assad? Why is that never clear?
There are two sides of the war, one of them is ISIS and their various terrorist allies, the other is Assad, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia. The idea that the US is going to send troops in to fight both sides is insane.

But it probably isn’t insane, just retarded. They know that there is zero popular support for fighting Assad, because no one cares, but people are really bothered by this whole ISIS thing, as it does appear it could spread out uncontrolled and cause all sorts of problems everywhere. So there is some support for fighting them.
But if they really wanted to fight ISIS, they would be allying with Russia, who is actually fighting ISIS. Or just letting Russia do it alone, maybe sending them some shekels.
But the ongoing complaints are about Assad and Russia, not about ISIS. The Washington Post Jews even came out and said that America fighting ISIS would help Putin so they shouldn’t do it, and that seems to be the popular establishment view.
The US-Jew alliance officially has no current conflicts of interest with ISIS. ISIS keeps threatening to threaten their interests, but doesn’t ever do it. Maybe they eventually will, maybe they won’t, but the US-Jew alliance presumably has no reason to think they will, or if they did that they couldn’t deal with it.

So what it appears is that they are sending troops in under the guise that they will be fighting ISIS, and that this prison raid was a manufactured event to introduce the fake idea US forces will be fighting ISIS.
Recently, Russia came out and said that the US was lying about bombing ISIS, and was instead bombing random empty spots in the desert. I am not in Syria, so I don’t know either way, but in my experience, Russia is a whole lot more honest than the US government, so if it is a matter of one government’s word versus the other’s, I would tend to believe Russia.
Bottom line is, it looks very much like the US is sending ground troops into Syria to fight Russia.
I have no idea why they are doing this, because even if you think it is a good idea, it is now obvious that the US does not posses the ability to effectively fight Russia. They simply do not have the competency level.
How do they not know this?

The fact that there has been so much hesitancy and glib-globbery proves they don’t have any idea what they’re doing. If they were a real and decisive power, they would have responded immediately to Russia crushing their terrorists. Instead they wait a month, acting confused as the whole world mocks them, now finally say they are sending in ground troops to fight the same enemy they are complaining about Russia fighting.
Officially FUBAR.
But never forget: these are a bunch of decadent boomers and Blacks who have no conception that their actions could have consequences being spurred on by mentally ill Jews. These people could actually begin trying to shoot down Russian jets and set-off a world war.
One thing here: chaos in Syria will be good for The Donald. He is the only candidate with an anti-interventionist position (other than Sanders, sort of). He has also stated plainly that he would let Russia deal with Syria, whereas Hillary and others have called for a world war with Russia to save ISIS.