Asian Female Mailman Hid 50,000 Pieces of Undelivered Mail in Her Apartment

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 29, 2016


This tricky gook!

People need that mail, you dumb bitch!

Smoking Gun:

A U.S. Postal Service employee stashed nearly 50,000 pieces of undelivered mail in her California home, according to a criminal information filed against the worker.

Federal investigators charge that Sherry Watanabe hid “approximately 48,288 pieces of United States mail” in her apartment. The mail was intended for delivery to customers along Watanabe’s route in Placentia, an Orange County city.

Watanabe, 48, was named in a one-count felony criminal information filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. In a plea agreement with prosecutors, Watanabe has admitted to the mail hoarding.

According to the plea agreement, Watanabe was hired as a mail carrier in June 2006, and she began collecting “large quantities of such mail” in her Placentia residence in 2011. While the undelivered mail was seized by law enforcement agents in late-2013, court filings do not indicate why more than two years passed before Watanabe was charged.


She probably wasn’t charged because of double privilege: woman + minority.


Besides the fact that we don’t need these minorities in our country, we do not need women working in mail jobs (see what I did there?) – there is no benefit. They do a horrible job and removing them from the home harms society.