Asian Professor Resigns Over Claims Rabbit Blood can Cure AIDS

NY Post
December 28, 2013

Dr Dong-Pyou Han has agreed not to request any more money from the government for 3 years. (Note that it would probably be good if he told Africans of this theory, as they may stop raping so many babies. Nah, I doubt they would.)

An Iowa State University professor resigned after admitting he falsely claimed rabbit blood could be turned into a vaccine for the AIDS virus.

Dr. Dong-Pyou Han spiked a clinical test sample with healthy human blood to make it appear that the rabbit serum produced disease-fighting antibodies, officials said.

The bogus findings helped Han’s team obtain $19 million in research grants from the National Institutes of Health, said James Bradac, who oversees the institutes’ AIDS research.

The remarkable findings were reported in scientific journals but raised suspicions when other researchers could not duplicate Han’s results.

The NIH uncovered the scam when it checked the rabbit serum at a lab and found the human antibodies.

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