Asians Show Loyalty to Racial Kinsmen, Not to ‘Conservative Values’

Daily Stormer
April 25, 2014

Friend or foe?
Friend or foe?

As part of the continuing Republican effort to appeal to every racial group except for the one that actually supports them, there is now a new non-profit organization meant to bring Asians into the Republican Party.

From the Daily Caller:

Life-long Republican and Asian American John Ying is convinced Republicans are not doing enough to reach an underrepresented and understated, but potentially Republican-friendly community — so he has co-founded a non-profit geared to Asian-American voters.

“We’ve got to engage, and we’ve got to engage in a very inclusive and friendly manner,” Ying told The Daily Caller in an interview. Republicans have made “almost no effort” to reach out to Asian Americans, he said, and many simply don’t feel welcome. “I’ve talked to many Asian Americans, and they’ll say, ‘Oh John I agree with you, the values are very similar. But I’m not sure the Republicans welcome us.’”

Ying, an international investment banker who served on the Republican National Committee during the 2012 election, hopes the Asian Republican Coalition, of which Ying is Chairman, will change that by providing a safe and inclusive place for Asian Americans to engage with Republicans.

Ying’s claim that Asians are “natural conservatives” is an old one. And while it is certainly true that Asians run more orderly lives than other non-whites, they are still loyal to their racial kinsmen, and place this loyalty above other political considerations.

Asians continue to support the Democrats because of immigration (particularly large numbers of illegal Asian immigrants), and Asians only split from the Democratic platform when it serves their own racial interests.


Asians are the highest-income, best-educated tribe in America as a result of their industriousness. Why are so many Democrats? One example: 71 percent of Asians voted for Obama in 2012.

A rift broke out in public last month when Asians rallied against a revival of affirmative action: Diverse California: Chinese Want to Keep Prop 209’s Ban on Affirmative Action. Scholarly Chinese have benefited from college admissions based on academic achievement, not race set-asides.

So I watched Wednesday’s Fox Business interview with John Ying of the Asian-American Republican Coalition hoping for an answer.

Watch the latest video at

Interviewer Stuart Varney opined the “those core values are trumped by the immigration issue,” and illegal Asians figure they will get a better deal from Democrats.

In essence, Asians want more Americans to look like themselves. This desire for one’s own kind is completely natural, and will show up in any racial group that has not been fed the poison of Jewish political correctness. Nor should we think that the Asian opposition to affirmative action shows anything other than a desire to do what’s best for Asians.

We cannot blame Asians, or any other non-whites, for their racial solidarity. We only wish that Whites would act the same way, and cease from their pathetic pandering.

Our ancestors definitely saw them as a threat.
Our ancestors definitely saw them as a threat.