‘Aspiring Black Model’ Smashes Wine Glass in White Manager’s Face

Manchester Evening News
August 4, 2015

Stephanie Miller was also thrown to the floor by her hair, as well as being smashed in the face by the enraged negress.

An aspiring model threw a wine glass at a bar manager’s face in a row over ID.

Glamorous Melika Gabidon, 21, was with a group of pals at Wetherspoons in Piccadilly when bar manager Stephanie Miller, 27, told them they would not be served as one of them did not have proof of age ID.

The group left but returned 20 minutes later when Gabidon began shouting and swearing at bar staff.

As Miss Miller intervened and told the group to leave, Gabidon hurled the contents of a glass of wine in her face before throwing the glass itself.

It was thrown with such force that it smashed as it hit her face.

As the bar manager struggled with Gabidon she was pulled to the ground by her hair.

The ‘aspiring model’ also bit her victim, causing medical staff to become concerned the young White woman may have caught something from the bite of such a rabid animal.

Gabidon, who has an online modelling ‘portfolio’ claiming she would like to become an actress, was only restrained from continuing her assault when a woman trapped her in a ‘bear hug’ until police and paramedics arrived.

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