Assad Calls-Out US on Proxy War Against Russia and Iran, Mocks Stupid “Humanitarian” Claims of ZOG

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2016


Assad just be like “bro wtf u think is goin on here m8?”

Leave it to the diabolical barrel-bomber himself to try to confuse the goyim with obvious and heavily-documented factual information.


Despite claiming humanitarian motives, US actions in Syria are meant to undermine the power of Russia and Iran, with Washington trying to achieve this goal by directly supporting terrorists, Syrian President Bashar Assad has said.

The US’ secret collaboration with terrorists is the reason why all attempts at a ceasefire and political transition in Syria have so far failed, the Syrian leader told Serbian newspaper Politika. The interview was also published by the Syria’s SANA news agency.

“Supporting the terrorists is a war of attrition against Syria, against Iran, against Russia, that’s how they look at it. That’s why not only this ceasefire – every attempt regarding ceasefire or political moving or political initiative, every failure of these things, the United States was to blame,” the Syrian president said.

Assad was referring to the deal negotiated by the US and Russia in September, which it was hoped would pave the way for a lasting truce in Syria. In practice, the agreement was derailed by armed groups, which had rejected it from the very beginning. The US pledged to convince the so-called moderate opposition to stick to the bargain and separate from terrorists, who would then be legitimate targets for a joint Russian-American air campaign. Washington didn’t deliver on this promise, however.

According to the Syrian president, a lasting ceasefire was not what Washington sought from the deal in the first place.

“They always ask for ceasefire only when the terrorists are in a bad situation, not for the civilians. And they try to use those ceasefires in order to support the terrorists, bring them logistic support, armament, money, everything, in order to re-attack and to become stronger again,” he said.

Sometimes the US support for terrorist groups goes through its allies such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Assad believes, while occasionally they provide direct support even to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), a group that the Washington-led coalition was supposedly formed to defeat. An example of this came during an American attack on Syrian Army troops near Deir Ez-Zor, which happened while the US-Russian truce was in force, and which the US claimed was the result of a mistake.

“They attacked a very big area. They didn’t attack a building to say, ‘we made a mistake.’ They attacked three big hills, not other groups neighboring these hills,” he said. “In less than one hour, ISIS attacked those hills. It means that ISIS gathered their forces to attack those hills. How did ISIS know that the Americans would attack that Syrian position? It means they were ready, they were prepared.”

Western media are currently focusing on civilian suffering in Syria and alleged atrocities committed by the Syrian government and its allies to justify deeper involvement in the war by whatever means the White House chooses, Assad said in the interview.

“You have a black-and-white picture; very, very bad guy against very, very good guy. It’s like the narrative of George W. Bush during the war on Iraq and on Afghanistan,” he described.

“The war in your country has been portrayed in the same way; as a humanitarian war where the West wanted to intervene in order to protect a certain community against the aggressors from the other community,” Assad said, referring to the Balkan Wars and the partitioning of Yugoslavia. “So, many people in the world believe that story, the same in Syria; they use the same mask, the humanitarian mask.”

While stressing any wrongdoing on the part of the government forces, the West ignores whatever atrocities the opposition commits, the president said.

“The terrorists killed during the last three days more than 80 innocent civilians in Aleppo, and wounded more than 300. You don’t read anything about them in the Western mainstream media,” he said. “They only single out some pictures and some incidents in the area under the control of the terrorists just to use them for their political agenda in order to condemn and to blame the Syrian government, not because they are worried about the Syrians.”

Yes, yes.

The whole thing is known now.

America is coordinating attacks directly with ISIS.

But what Assad doesn’t know that we know – ISIS represents true democracy and human rights and liberation from dictatorship and barrel-bombings and the patriarchy and homophobia.