Assad Hopeful About Cooperation with Trump as Iran Plans March in America

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8,2017

The elected and internationally recognized leader of Syria, Bashir Assad, has come out and said he is hopeful about Donald Trump’s pledges to fight ISIS.

He has not complained about the travel ban.


Syria’s leader has praised Donald Trump’s rhetoric on terror, saying the new US President’s pledge to prioritize the fight against terrorism, including ISIS, was “promising.”

President Bashar al-Assad, whose government is waging a bloody civil war, told Belgian media that it was too early “to expect anything practical,” from the US President but that he had high hopes for a cooperative effort between the US and Russia to engage ISIS.

“Trump during the campaign and after the campaign is promising regarding the priority of fighting terrorists, and mainly ISIS, that’s what we’ve been asking for during the last six years,” Assad said.

“It’s still early to expect anything practical. It could be about the cooperation between the US and Russia, that we think is going to be positive for the rest of the world, including Syria.”

It’s not the first time the Syrian leader has praised Trump. In an interview with state media agency, SANA, last December, Assad said the then President-elect would be a “natural ally” if he held fast to his hard line on terrorists.

This is very good.

What is not good is the Iranian situation.

They tested a ballistic missile to protest Trump, and now they are calling for a march in our country.

Look, Assad and Iran are allies. I tend to support both.

But this posturing from Iran – and a march IN OUR COUNTRY – is making it hard to defend them.

I understand Trump has been unnecessarily hard on them, and I’ve criticized him on this issue. But they need to chill out and relax.