Assad Says Entire Gas Attack is a Hoax – Video Might be Fake, Maybe It Never Happened

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2017

You know, I usually just dismiss it when people go on about the crisis actor stuff.

But Assad himself is saying he thinks this video might be completely fake.

That’s a pretty huge deal.

And you know. There’s a good chance he’s right.


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack was a “fabrication” to justify a US military strike, as Moscow digs in to defend its ally despite increasing strains with Washington.

In an exclusive interview with AFP in Damascus — his first since the alleged April 4 attack prompted a US air strike on Syrian forces — Assad said his army had given up all its chemical weapons and that Syrian military power was not affected by the US strike.

“Definitely, 100 percent for us, it’s fabrication,” he said in the interview on Wednesday in reference to the alleged chemical weapons attack.

“Our impression is that the West, mainly the United States, is hand-in-glove with the terrorists. They fabricated the whole story in order to have a pretext for the attack.”



Western leaders including US President Donald Trump have accused Assad of being behind last week’s attack in the rebel-held town Khan Sheikhun, saying his forces unleashed a chemical weapon during an air strike.

In the interview, Assad insisted it was “not clear” whether an attack on Khan Sheikhun had even happened.

“You have a lot of fake videos now,” he said. “We don’t know whether those dead children were killed in Khan Sheikhun. Were they dead at all?”

He insisted several times that his forces had turned over all chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013, under a deal brokered by Russia to avoid threatened US military action.

“There was no order to make any attack, we don’t have any chemical weapons, we gave up our arsenal a few years ago,” Assad said.

Now that is something.

Watch the video again.

Do you think that could just be a totally fake video?

Because I am definitely thinking that this is a possibility.

Presumably, no bodies have been produced and Assad has intelligence saying that this is likely a fake video, probably intelligence provided by Russia.

The only “proof” that we have that this attack happened is this fakey-looking video and the claims of a group of terrorists.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if it’s a fake video or a false flag attack by the terrorists.

What matters is that there is no way in hell Assad did this.