Assad Supports Trump Ban: “It’s About Terrorism”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2017

Assad is a real leader.

As such, he wants to keep his people in his country, rather than sending them across the world.

As such, he supports Donald J. Trump.


Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad said President Donald Trump’s ban on Syrians entering the United States targeted terrorists, not the Syrian people, appearing to defend the logic of the measure in an interview broadcast on Thursday.

Trump last month issued an executive order, since suspendabouted by a U.S. district judge, that temporarily barred travelers from seven mostly Muslim countries including Syria, as well as imposing an indefinite ban on all Syrian refugees.

“It’s against the terrorists that would infiltrate some of the immigrants to the West. And that happened. It happened in Europe, mainly in Germany,” Assad said in the interview with Europe 1 radio and TF1 television which was recorded on Tuesday in English.

“I think the aim of Trump is to prevent those people from coming.” It was “not against the Syrian people”, he said.

Trump has not yet set out a clear policy on Syria but has indicated he could cut U.S. support for insurgent groups and has said he wants to mend ties with Russia, whose President Vladimir Putin is Assad’s strongest international ally.

Of course, Assad is aware that this isn’t 100% about terrorism, and is in fact largely an element of a larger program to preserve American culture and society by blocking invasive non-whites.

But he understands the Trump line and is rolling with the Trump line, both because he doesn’t care about sending his people to America and because he wants to be in good with Trump. And Trump is obviously going to appreciate this and act in fair response.

Iran would do well to take a page from Assad’s book, and be friendly and open instead of staging protests where they chant alternately “death to America” and “let us in.”