Assange Calls Comey “Intelligence Porn Star”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2017

The Traitor James Comey has lied under oath to the American people, invented an entire fantasy reality.

During yesterday’s hearing, the Traitor James Comey admitted to leaking to the New York Times to get a special counsel appointed to impeach President Trump as part of a Jewish conspiracy.

The Traitor Comey had previously referred to Wikileaks as “intelligence porn.

Julian Assange, in response to the revelation that Comey himself is a criminal leaker, called him “an intelligence porn star.”

That’s clever.

Yesterday’s hearing was absolute madness.

This conspiracy is now fully exposed and in the open.

Comey said the only evidence for Russian hacking was that after the private company CrowdStrike, which was hired by the DNC to examine their server, “our guys talked to their guys” and “there was no question it was the Russians.”

He admitted again the FBI – nor any other federal agency – ever had access to the DNC server or independently confirmed that it was the Russians responsible for the “hacking.” We have no evidence that any such “hacking” happened. We don’t even have a direct claim from a government agency that any such hacking happened. We have the claim from a former government agent that “our guys talked to their guys.”

Whenever he was asked for evidence of the hacking by the Russians, Comey just started rattling off adjectives and buzzwords. No specific piece of evidence was ever mentioned. Meaning the only specific piece of evidence they are claiming exists is “our guys talked to their guys.”

Meanwhile, Comey was obsessed with accusing Trump of “obstruction of justice” for saying “I hope you drop” the Flynn investigation. Even though he admitted that this comment had no effect on any investigation.

Meanwhile, he also admitted that there was nothing out of the ordinary about Flynn calling the Russian embassy, said there was no evidence that anything improper was said during the call, effectively saying he doesn’t even know why he was fired for it in the first place. This while also claiming he’s the focus of the investigation, for reasons unclear. I guess because he appeared on RT?

James Comey is a complete nutjob, and he is openly engaged in a coup with his Jew allies.

The fact that not a single Congressman pressed him on evidence of Russian hacking – even while they just kept going on and on and on about how real it is – tells you everything you need to know.

The entire government is at war with Donald Trump and by proxy America and the American people.

We need martial law immediately.

Congress needs to be dismissed and we need to establish full executive rule by Donald Trump over a military government.

There is no one who can stop Trump from doing this.

Unless the Comey conspiracy has taken control of the military, which it hasn’t. Even if they have, Donald Trump can go on TV tell officers to kill their commanding officers if they refuse to follow The President’s orders and shut down this entire fucking country until we understand just what the hell is going on with this intelligence conspiracy to overthrow the government by hoaxing a Russian “our guys talked to their guys” conspiracy.

Do it now, Mr. President.

We don’t have any other choice.

The people stand with you.