Assange Press Conference on Vault 7: CIA Accidentally Released Spying Software on the Open Internet

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2017

I know Julian Assange is not the most gifted orator, but this is worth watching.

Good stuff.

Basically, the situation is that the CIA created all of these hacking tools, then someone stole them and they’re just being passed around by hackers.

Instead of informing the public of this, like “ayo, we let loose onto the open internet a bunch of software that can literally hack any device on the planet,” they actively tried to cover it up.

Assange didn’t receive the documents from a leaker – he got it from some hacker who came across it on the public internet.

The argument of Wikileaks and most other hackers is that it is physically impossible to secure these tools once they are used, because they are used on the internet, meaning someone can catch them. It’s just software.

As such, all that they do by creating these tools and using them is ensure that every state on the planet – as well as unknown numbers of private actors – has access to the same tools they’re using.

So, to be clear, they are enabling other countries to hack us by creating these tools.

And everyone has an iPhone. All the Secret Service people, the Pentagon people, the State Department people – all of them are using these devices. Any of them can be listened to with a live mic feature in these exploits, all day long.

All of the government’s own computers are stored on Widows or Apple computers – or Solaris or other Unix or Linux based systems, which the CIA also has exploits for which are now being passed around by random hackers.

Presumably they have certain protocols, where they keep phones out of certain meetings and so on, and there are certain classified files that are only stored on computers that are not hooked up to the internet – but what of it? This still means that the overwhelming majority of American secrets have been given away through these tools which were created under the guise of national security.

That is not responsible.

The logical thing for Western intelligence agencies to do would be to work with private companies to make software and devices actually secure, as this would ensure that our own systems are secure. It’s the only way to ensure that our own systems are secure.

I have not heard of a single time when this spying helped us, but you can imagine all ways in which it is hurting our security to have China and everyone else having access to open mics carried around in the pockets of everyone in our country, as well as any government computer system attached to the internet.

National security is pretty simple: no Moslems.

Foreign intelligence is obviously more complicated, but the fact that any software you create to spy on your enemies will inevitably be used to spy on you makes it self-defeating. Unless somehow you are able to determine that your secrets are less valuable to foreign nations than their secrets are to you, which doesn’t really make sense on the face of it. Maybe someone would make that argument, I don’t know. I don’t think anyone would make that argument.

The whole cyberwar stuff basically is being managed by a bunch of boomers like Michael Hayden who have no idea what is going on with any of this. That’s the impression I get. That this is all just reckless stupidity by a bunch of people who are too old to grasp the way this stuff works.

“Cyberwar” was looked at as some magic new solution to intelligence by these people, and they just pushed it through – without any oversight, because they’re spy agencies. It all just needs walked back. We need younger people running this stuff. No one over the age of 30 or so should be authorized to make these decisions.

Really, if we’re talking about foreign war, we need to pour money into development of WMD and space weapons, not some insane “spy on the whole world” program that just ends up handing all our secrets over to foreign governments and whoever else. We need to be able to deliver nukes from space, we need race specific viruses and other intelligent biological weapons, we need armies of killer robots. That’s how you keep a country safe. Goofy paranoid spy-on-everyone programs do nothing but create weird, unnecessary consequences.

Hopefully I’ve explained this in a way that makes sense. I’m by no means an expert, but I think I just explained it better than Julian did.