Asylum Seeker Males are Urinating on Their Females – But That Isn’t the Real Problem

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2015

The most vulnerable people in the world: Healthy, military-aged males who piss on women while they're sleeping.
The most vulnerable people in the world: Healthy, military-aged males who piss on women while they’re sleeping.

In Germany, we have the issue of male asylum seekers in the asylum centers urinating everywhere, including upon their female counterparts.

Note: This translation is mine. Also note that the “Bundeswehr” is the name of several combined government organizations in Germany, both civilian and military.

Junge Freiheit:

The Bundeswehr has complained of intolerable conditions in the reception center for asylum seekers in Erfurt. There is sexual harassment and people urinating on the floor, according to a as “Classified” classified internal letter from the Chief medical officer of the command territorial tasks of the Bundeswehr, the Junge Freiheit can report.

The letter gives the physician a report from the health overseer of the Bundeswehr. Literally it says: “The halls are cleaned 2 times a day. Nevertheless, the building’s sanitation is, in my view, not in order, given that garbage is repeatedly thrown on the floor. Urinating in some corners is routine. In the accommodation areas, single women are urinated on by other male persons from other countries, even while the women sleep. Sexual harassment is a daily occurrence.

The Bundeswehr confirmed, on request of the Junge Freiheit, the authenticity of the document. “The is writing there,” said the head of the Information Office of the Territorial Command of the Bundeswehr, Lieutenant Colonel Ingo Kunze.

“If these abuses are going on in the facility, it is however the responsibility of the operator and not the army,” said Kunze. The Bundeswehr supports the operators of asylum accommodation in medical care.

At the Thuringian State Administration Office, which is responsible for the reception center in Erfurt, one person was surprised by the allegations. “Such incidents are not yet known to us,” said a spokeswoman.

However, the German Red Cross is taking care of the asylum seekers on arrival. “They operate the facility,” added the spokeswoman.

The exhibition hall had been converted into a reception center two weeks ago.

Now you might be like “lolwut, these people are pissing on each other?”


Yes, indeed friend, these people are indeed pissing on each other.

But we have bigger fears than a bunch of Moslems pissing on each other in a German convention center: right-wingers.

Oh, yes. Yes, yes. This is the real threat.
Oh, yes. Yes, yes. This is the real threat.

Norway is one step ahead of the curve on this one, given that they have uncovered a secret prophecy which states: “as soon as the asylum seekers begin to piss on each other, then, and only then, will Breivik Rise from the grave.”

The Local:

The biggest risk posed to Norway’s national security by the influx of migrants is a possible violent reaction from the far-right, and not the infiltration of Islamists, Norway’s intelligence service said Thursday.

Wait, hold on a second. Can you repeat that?

The biggest risk posed to Norway’s national security by the influx of migrants is a possible violent reaction from the far-right, and not the infiltration of Islamists, Norway’s intelligence service said Thursday.

Uh, okay.

Just making sure I heard you right.

Never forget the 77.
Never forget the 77.

So this is almost like some kind of an existential crisis, then?

I guess?

“Asylum seekers linked to radical Islam are not a main concern to the PST in the short-term,” intelligence service PST said in a statement.

The increasing flow of asylum seekers in Norway could, first and foremost, have negative consequences on threats linked to far-right circles in Norway. This is because hostility to immigration is one of the main issues, and an important mobilising factor, for these circles,” it said.

In the first eight months of the year, Norway registered more than 8,000 asylum seekers, of whom about a quarter are Syrian, with the numbers rising in recent weeks.

Immigration authorities expect up to 20,000 asylum applications for the full year, which would be a record.

At least one sick official is saying that we need to close the doors of Europe to these innocent victims who are obsessed with pissing on sleeping women in order to prevent the return of Anders Breivik.

Europe must deport failed asylum seekers and close its doors or support for extreme-Right parties will surge, one of the European Union’s most senior officials warned yesterday.

An influx of refugees and migrants is raising fears about the “identity, future and cohesion” of European states, said Frans Timmermans, the First Vice President of the European Commission.

He said a failure by Greece and Italy to process migrants swiftly was giving illegitimate asylum seekers the means to disguise themselves as Syrians.


But first, let’s ask Mama Merkel.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, said a scheme to redistribute 120,000 refugees around the EU must go much further, days after it was approved against the wishes of four Eastern European states.

“I am deeply convinced that what Europe needs is not just selective relocation of this kind, but a much more durable process for fairly distributing refugees among member states,” she said. “A first step has been taken, but we are still far from where we should be.”


So we’re at a stand off.

On the one hand, we have to protect these people who piss on each other, because they are our responsibility, because of the Holocaust.

Wow. Just wow.
Wow. Just wow.

On the other, these piss-people are going to lead to the rise of the Forth Reich.

What are we supposed to do?

It’s a lose-lose situation!

This is worse than that time I tried to find a girlfriend!

Actually real.